Back in the ice cave of Jigoku, Ares materializes, spooking a few floating spirits away. Xena glares at him and then looks away.

XENA (bitterly):
     You never give up, do you?

ARES (starts walking toward her slowly):
     I thought you already knew that.

     Even now, you have to torment me.

Ares comes to stand behind her, caressing her shoulder. Xena looks the other way but makes no move to stop him.

ARES (softly):
     Remember, Xena? It hasn't always been violence and hatred between us...

Xena still not looking at him begins to remember the things that had happened between them, the good things. She closes her eyes as Ares' hand moves from her shoulder to her arm and images of them together flash through her mind.


...Ares admitting that he feels something for her--"God Fearing Child"...

...Xena and Ares in his temple during Athena's siege, Xena admitting that she felt something--"Amphipolis Under Siege"...

...Ares telling her for the first time that he loves her during the storm, Ares giving up his immortality, Xena thanking him--"Motherhood"...

...The tender moment they had after his insanity by the Furies was lifted, she seeing a new side of him--"Coming Home"...

...The time they came to a new understanding and trust about each other after Eve was freed from the Amazons--"Path of Vengeance"...


Xena opens her eyes, tying to shake the thoughts from her mind, turns her head slightly to see Ares.

XENA (almost pleading):
     Ares, stop it...

     No, Xena--you gave me another chance...


...Ares biting into the golden apple in Xena's hand, regaining his immortality, Xena looking at him almost lovingly--"You Are There"...


     Let me do the same for you. I can free you from here, all those souls...

Xena touches Ares' arm briefly, cutting him off, almost as if she doesn't realize she's doing it.

     This is different, Ares. I'm not free to leave. Even my body is gone.

     What if I could get it back? Restore it?

     Sure, like in Borias' fairy tales about the Twin Streams...

Ares grins suddenly; Xena is shocked.

XENA (laughs mirthlessly):
     You know that's just a myth.

     At the heart of every there is bound to be truth. (slyly) So you'd come back if you could have your body again? And those souls... (he gestures to encompass the whole cave) ...were set free from their obligation? As a purely hypothetical question, of course.

Xena shakes her head, amused despite herself by his persistence.

XENA (echoing his last words, almost teasingly):
     Of course...

ARES (interrupts her punching air in triumph):
     Thank you. That's all I needed to know.

Xena is about to object, but he's already gone. She makes an exasperated noise, but continues looking after him.


Gabrielle appears, riding through a clearing in the forest towards a group of people gathered in a circle. She dismounts and walks up, pushing herself through the crowd. In the center is Eve, talking to one of her followers. Gabrielle taps her on her shoulder. Eve turns around, joy filling her eyes when she recognizes Gabrielle.

     Gabrielle! It's so good to see you.

The followers step back to give the two women space, Eve enfolds Gabrielle in a hug.

GABRIELLE (hugging her back, somewhat saddened tone):

EVE (worried):
     What's wrong?

GABRIELLE (puts a hand on Eve's shoulder):
     Can I speak you for a moment?

EVE (nods):

Gabrielle smiles faintly at Eve as they walk out of the crowd and away from the people.

     What is it?

Gabrielle looks at her sadly, Eve shifts her feet uneasily, looks around.

     Where's my mother?

     That's what I've come to talk to you about. (takes a breath) Eve, she's...dead.

EVE (shaking her head):, that can't be right... (louder, almost hysterical, grabbing Gabrielle's shoulders) No! You're not serious...she can't be dead!

     I'm sorry, Eve. I'm so sorry...

Gabrielle wraps her arms around Eve, restraining her. Eve buries her head in Gabrielle's shoulder, begins to cry.

EVE (shakes her head, sniffs):
     H-How did it happen?

GABRIELLE (stroking Eve's hair):
     She was a Samurai in Jappa.

EVE (shakes herself again, angry with herself):
     I should have been there. I didn't even know. My mother's gone and I didn't even know!

     Your mother wouldn't have wanted you to be there to see her die. She didn't even want me there to see her die. I only knew she was dead because she came to me in spirit. I know...I hurt too but together we can get through this. There was nothing anyone could have done. (forcing her voice to stay steady) Not then--but...there is now. I need your help, Eve.

     What could I possibly do?

GABRIELLE (lifting Eve's tear-stained face):
     Not you. (pauses to make her understand) Eli.

Eve nods slowly, wipes her face with the back of her hand. Gabrielle takes out the urn with Xena's ashes and places it on the ground between Eve and herself.

     Will you help me, Gabrielle?

Gabrielle nods. Eve uncorks the urn and pours the ashes onto the ground between them. They hold hands, heads bowed in prayer to Eli as we:




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