Ares appears in one of his temples. It is a temple that has been deserted for a long time while he was mortal and now looks rundown and old. Cobwebs cover the walls and dust floats in the air.

Ares walks up to his throne and sinks down into its cold stone seat with a heavy sigh. He looks around the room thoughtfully. Then on the floor in the darkest corner of the room, Ares sees a chest--a chest that brings back memories long forgotten.

Ares stands up quickly and walks over to it, picking it up. He blows off the dust that covers it and sets it down on a table that stands in the room.

The chest is made of wood, rimmed with gold. On the front side there is a golden keyhole. Ares makes a key appear in his fingers and unlocks the chest. The hinges squeak as the lid opens, having been many years since it has ever been touched. Its interior is covered in black velvet and inside the chest is a rolled-up piece of parchment.

Ares picks it up and opens it. It isn't just any piece of parchment; it is the contract that Xena and Ares signed long ago that signified that after death, Xena's soul belonged to him. Ares closes his eyes momentarily, remembering back to that time.


Xena and Ares are standing in a forest; Ares is beginning to roll up a piece of parchment.

     Oh. (unrolls it and shows it to Xena, her face filled with contempt) Thumbprint right here on the bottom line. Thank you.

Xena looks at him suspiciously and then presses her thumb to the parchment, leaving an imprint behind.

     That didn't hurt, did it? (she glares at him somewhat, he rolls up the contract) And there it is--my free access pass to your soul (he puts it in his back pocket, grins) and as long as I have're pretty much mine.


He opens his eyes, then looks at the contract in his hand, a touch of guilt showing in his eyes as if he feels bad about ever creating it in the first place just so he could use it to control Xena's destiny. Ares nods grimly and rolls the contract up again, gripping it firmly in his hand.

     Hang in there, Xena. I'm coming. (puts the contract in his back pocket, disappears)


Ares appears in the Japanese underworld, the subterranean realm of Jigoku. Billows of steam rise from the ground and the place is filled with an eerie red glow. It is a large open room that seems to have no walls, ceiling or floor--the steam seems to go on and on.

Ares walks down the long hallway of smoke until he reaches a large metal arch. On one side of the arch stands a man dressed in a dark kimono and a judge's cap. He is holding a mace. On the other side stands a woman, dressed identically to the man. Their eyes are so clear that it seems one could see right through them.

Ares looks at the two people, unsure of what to make of them--they are unlike anyone he has ever seen. They do not move a muscle as he walks toward the arch; he decides to proceed. Just as he gets to the entrance of the arch, the maces in their hands become spears and they point them at him.

     No one enters Jigoku unless they're dead. And you...are definitely not dead.

Ares spares him an impatient look.

     That's very observant of you--now, if you could just step out of my way, we can all go about our own business. (tries to peer through the steam beyond the gate) And while you're at it, you may want to check the air-conditioning; all that steam can't be good for the paintwork.

The two sentinels exchange scandalized looks, then the man speaks again.

     And just who do you think you are, to so flout our will?

Ares makes an attempt to walk past the spears, but they do not part for him.

     And that's whose will, exactly?

     I am Emma-ho--judge of the souls of male sinners. My sister-- (points to the woman) --judges the female transgressors. None dares gainsay our word--and we say you may not enter!

     Believe me when I say that it's been a pleasure meeting you both, but I really must be going now.

Ares starts to walk through the arch but is stopped when both of their spears jam into his stomach and out the other side. Emma-ho and his sister gasp in surprise.

     He's immortal...

ARES (looks at spears, gives them a cocky grin):
     Oh, please. You think these are going to stop me? (steps back and the spears slide out of his stomach) Now, I'm getting past you one way or another. And believe me, you won't like the other. (a ball of fire appears in each of his hands)

     We will not let you pass, foreigner, even if you are a deity.

     Have it your way, then.

He throws the balls of fire at them but they disintegrate in the air before they hit their target. Somewhat put out, he tries again, with the same result--the fireballs disintegrate before they hit. He eyes the deities in angry confusion.

     Fine. Let's talk, then. I've come to claim what is rightfully mine.

EMMA-HO (raises eyebrows in surprise):
     Are you accusing us of theft, foreigner?

ARES (tilts his head to one side, pretends to think):
     Hmm. Let's see--yep. Nicely put. Theft. I have prior claim to a soul in your realm and (voice breaks slightly but he recovers immediately) I want her back. Now!

EMMA-HO'S SISTER (shakes head):
     Impossible. No spirit may leave the Jigoku. (curiously) What claim do you have to her?

ARES (mutters to himself):
     I hate beaurocratic red tape. (louder) But if you insist on inspecting the paperwork...

He produces the contract, the parchment glowing slightly in the foggy atmosphere.

     According to this contract, I own her after she dies. (he holds it up so they can see it) See, that's her thumbprint and her name, right there. Xena--with an "X".

EMMA-HO (looks at it):
     Your contract, as you call it, is worthless, foreigner. This Xena you speak of died in our land, therefore she belongs in our realm.

The haughty speech is beyond the limit of his patience. Ares growls and rolls the contract back up.

     I demand that you release her soul! She belongs to me!

He lunges to attack, but Emma-ho raises his hand and a surge of energy erupts from it, sending Ares flying backwards, landing several paces away. The fog swirls around and over the fallen body. A moment later, the God of War rises out of it, his face terrible with rage. His voice is dangerously low and quiet.

     That was a very, very stupid thing to do to an Olympian God.

The sentinels look suddenly uncomfortable.


ARES (somewhat threatening):
     I am the God of War.

Emma-ho's sister whispers something in her brother's ear and he nods grudgingly.

     My sister speaks the truth. We have no quarrel with Olympus and we wish none. You may enter, God of War, but know that you cannot hope to remove a spirit from Jigoku. She may not tread past this gate.

ARES (grits his teeth):
     I'll keep it in mind.

Ares starts to pass through the arch and then in an angry flash of azure light he's gone as we:




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