Ares appears in the woods where the deer still lies between the streams. Two jugs appear in his hands--one white, the other black.


Hades' underworld. Hades and a man dressed like a northern shaman, with antlers on his head, are talking.

     Hades, you already know too much by learning their location. The people of my land, far to the north where snow covers the ground almost all year, tell tales of the Twin Streams. To them, they are just myth--but now you have found that they are reality, to tell anyone about them would be a devastation to both of our kingdoms.

     The Water of Life--maybe... But the Water of Death?

     Don't you see? Yes, the dark Waters of Death can kill a living person--but there's more to the Twin Streams. The Waters of Death can beautify a dead person and the Waters of Life can restore the soul to the body.

HADES (horrified):
     If people find out about them, our kingdoms will suffer... They will try to cheat death--who knows for how long.

     Precisely. Hades, I must have your word that you won't tell anyone, not even your fellow Olympians about these. As far as anyone should ever know, these streams are just a myth.

     Yes, I won't tell anyone about them. Your people can continue to tell the stories of them but they will never know the real truth.

     Thank you. (there is a burst of energy and he is gone)

The camera pans to one side to show young Ares listening behind the door.


Ares dips the white jug into the Waters of Life and the black one into the Waters of Death, then looks at the deer almost guiltily, as though fighting the urge to help it.

ARES (at the deer):
     But does it work?

He sprinkles a little of the water from the white jug onto the deer. The animal slowly rises to its feet, takes a breath, shakes itself briefly and then bounds over the two streams, running off.

ARES (looking after it):
     The antlers look better on a deer, anyway.

He disappears.


Ares appears with the black and white jugs in his hands. He stands between Gabrielle and Eve and hands the black jug with the Water of Death to Gabrielle. She looks up at him in surprise.


Ares nods. Gabrielle releases Eve's hand and takes the jug. Ares hands the white jug with the Water of Life to Eve, who grips it tightly.

Gabrielle looks down at the ashes.

     Xena... You taught me so much. You showed me what true courage is, loyalty, friendship. I owe you--everything. I miss you, so very badly. The whole world misses you, Xena--it needs you back. But, more than that... (looks up at Ares, then across at Eve) We need you back.

She pours some of the black Water of Death onto the ashes. For a second, nothing happens--then the ashes start flowing together, melting and merging, until they form Xena's body covered by a white wrap, her eyes closed.

EVE (gasping):

Ares grips her hand before she can touch the body.

     She's not in there, Eve--not yet.

ARES (looking at Eve):
     Can you do it?

Eve pauses, then nods. Ares releases her hand.

EVE (whispers as she pours the Water of Life over Xena's body):
     You never gave up on me, Mother--and I won't give up on you now. (pauses to draw a shaky breath) Eli, help us.

The water splashes on Xena's body and bursts into light. Eve, Gabrielle and Ares shelter their eyes.

A white flash illuminates the icy cave in Jigoku; Xena's spirit jumps off the rock and looks around frantically, trying to understand what's happening. The souls are milling about; the fog is growing thicker.

The gate guarded by Emma-ho and his sister shakes suddenly, lightning illuminates their faces--no longer impassive, they are clearly frightened.

Another white flash--and spirits are pouring out of the gate. The sentinels try to stop them with their spears, but it's no use--they are overwhelmed, and more and more spirits leave the gate. They aren't moaning any more--their faces are alight with peace; some are smiling.

Everything slows in the white light, faces of the released spirits float through it... Xena's face appears in the light, too, eyes closed, as though dreaming.


...Callisto's redemption...

...Angel Callisto, turning and smiling...

...Eve's redemption...


     Redemption is found in love, not hatred. (more souls float through the light, released) Give yourself to love, embrace it. Break the cycle of violence, revenge, suffering--and find peace. (Xena's face appears again, eyes open now) Turn your face to the light and allow your soul to be healed.

Light fades in the forest. Ares, Gabrielle and Eve look down at Xena's motionless body. For a moment, they are worried that it hasn't worked.

Then Xena opens her eyes, still lying on the ground and looks at the three of them standing above her.

EVE (wonder in her voice):

Ares takes out the contract. Xena's eyes widen.

     Ares, no!!

Ares holds up the contract--and tears it into pieces, then allows the wind to catch them.

The words from the contract float off the pieces of parchment and swirl upwards, circling Ares, Gabrielle and Eve. They look on in wonder as the letters turn into sparks of light and drift upwards, as if caught in a current.

     The souls are free--and Xena's spirit with them. Vengeance cannot stand in the face of love. Love is the way.

GABRIELLE (whispers):
     Thank you.

Ares lets out a long breath. Xena sits up slowly, then looks down at herself.

XENA (softly):
     I think you forgot something...

GABRIELLE (anxious):

XENA (fingering the white robe):
     My fashion sense.

She grins at Gabrielle, who bursts into tears and hugs Xena fiercely. Eve drops down to her knees, Xena hugs them both, running her hands through their hair, then looks up at Ares.

ARES (grins):
     I'd be thankful; you could be wearing a kimono.

XENA (serious):
     You really don't give up...

     You're not the only stubborn one. You know, the robe kinda looks good. I think it might be see-through.

Ares moves his head as if to get a better look. Xena just glares.

XENA (she then averts her eyes and looks at him):
     With the contract gone, that means you don't possess my soul anymore, Ares.

     I never had it in the first place, Xena...not in anyway that matters.

Xena and Gabrielle both look surprised; it's almost an apology.

     At least, in the end, creating the contract wasn't a total waste of time. (perks up) I got to see you dressed like that. And I thought Aphrodite needed help.

A small smile almost undetectable crosses Ares' lips. Xena bites her lip, then looks down at the still-crying Gabrielle and Eve, as though trying to make a decision. She looks back up, about to say something--but Ares is gone.

XENA (to herself):
     You never needed that contract, Ares.

Xena stands up, taking Eve and Gabrielle with her.

     Come on.

     Xena, wait.

Gabrielle steps back to remove the chakram from her belt, hands it to Xena. Xena takes it and looks at it thoughtfully, then shakes herself.

XENA (smiles):

     Of course. What's a Warrior Princess without a chakram? Besides, you look better with it anyway. It's not right for me. I know that.

Xena walks over to Argo to retrieve her leathers and armor, Gabrielle and Eve follow.

     Where are we going?

Xena kisses Eve's forehead, then smiles at Gabrielle.

     Anywhere the wind takes us.

She squeezes Eve and Gabrielle's hands and then hugs them again, before getting ready to start their journey once more as we:



[The gates to the spirit world were left open during the production of this motion picture. Oops...]


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