9.06 Grey Areas



Eve is in her hut, sitting at a desk and looking worriedly over some scrolls. Xena comes in and Eve looks up.

EVE (surprised):
     Mother. You're back sooner than I expected. How did--?

She trails off at the look on Xena's face.

XENA (shaking her head):
     Not good.

Xena hands Eve the scroll. Eve looks confused and unravels the scroll reading it over. She looks up in shock.

     They're forcing us off our lands.

XENA (grimly):
     Not right now. But eventually--that's where things are going.

EVE (lost for words):
     This can't be happening.

XENA (determined):
     It will happen. (Off Eve's shocked look) Unless we stop it.

Close-up on Eve as she looks at her, concerned.

As the camera starts to pull back, a rising murmur of voices is heard from outside. Finally a voice rises through the din.

VOICE (off-camera):
     How much longer are we going to take this?

Eve and Xena exchange anxious glances. Then Eve strides outside, Xena following her.


Outside Eve's hut. Morai is talking to a group of seven or eight Amazons, other women coming up to them to see what the commotion is.

MORAI (shouting):
     The Amazons are warriors! Have we become so weak that we let peasants take over our land?! We can't deny our heritage; we have to fight!

The Amazons around her nod and murmur in agreement.

     Just recently, we were drawn into a war with Sabina to aid the Corinthians--to fight someone else's battle--and now, we aren't allowed to fight a group of worthless farmers?! It's time we look after ourselves--protected our way of life!

The murmurs grow louder; a few Amazons cry out, "Yeah!"

MORAI (emboldened by their support):
     I say we attack the village--burn it to the ground--and send those men running in fear!

EVE (off-screen, shouting):
     What's wrong with you, Morai? Have you lost your mind?

The camera pans around to show an angry Eve behind them with Xena by her side.

MORAI (growling):
     What's wrong with you? Are you an Amazon queen or are you back to preaching peace?

EVE (firmly):
     I never stopped believing in peace. (she stops for a moment, as if to ponder her own words) I know there are times when peace isn't possible. But this isn't the right time to fight.

MORAI (yelling):
     Then what's it the right time for? Wooing them with flowers and kind words? (angrily) Not long ago, you left us to defend a bunch of Romans--but you won't lead your own people into battle!

Morai storms off. The other Amazons watch her, then turn expectantly to Eve, who looks anguished. Xena gives her an anxious look, noticing the distress in her daughter's eyes.


The Queen's Council chambers (as seen in "Path of Vengeance"). Xena and Gabrielle stand by the door. Eve and the other Amazon leaders stand further inside the room.

     We don't have many more options.

     There are always options.

     These people aren't warriors--they're peasants. We can't fight them. And besides--you heard what my mother said. If we try to drive them off-- (she trails off)

     --you'll have to deal with King Melodic's army.

CYANE (looking at Gabrielle):
     Then what do we do? We've tried everything. They won't negotiate with us, they won't leave. And now we find out other settlers are going to start moving in.

     Maybe Xena and I can go talk to the king and work something out. (Off Cyane's scoff) It can't hurt to try.

EVE (still looking troubled):
     All right. (to the other leaders) Do you all agree?

AMAZON LEADER #1 (dubious):
     As Gabrielle said, it can't hurt to try it.

     I agree. Look, we're willing to fight for our lands--but we don't want an army coming out here if we can help it.

     We've already lost too many people--in too many wars.


The Amazon village. Lykia and Antiope are practicing fighting moves.


Antiope jumps up and kicks her foot forward, Lykia leans back and dodges her foot. Lykia then spins around and goes for a sidekick, Antiope blocks it with her arm and spins around ready to sidestrike. Lykia quickly blocks the blow with her arm.

ANTIOPE (catching her breath):
     You're getting pretty good.

Antiope spins around and goes for a kick that Lykia easily blocks. Lykia pushes down Antiope's foot, then does a spinning kick and hits Antiope in the side, knocking her flat on her face. As Antiope starts to get up, Lykia grunts and plants a foot on her back, rather roughly pushing her back down.

ANTIOPE (rather peeved):
     Hey, back off!

Lykia's face changes and she steps back with a guilty look. Antiope gets up and turns around, looking upset.

     It's only practice, Lykia!

     I'm sorry--I just got carried away--

ANTIOPE (sighs):
     Lykia--you can't let this anger take control of you. If you're looking to solve all of your problems by fighting...

Lykia lowers her head, and then looks back up at Antiope defiantly.

     I just want to prove myself. (determined) To show that I can be a real warrior--a real Amazon.

ANTIOPE (looks at her gently):
     There's more to being an Amazon than fighting.

Lykia gives her a doubtful look.


The Council chambers.

     Before we end this meeting--there's also the matter of-- (she glances worriedly at Gabrielle) Lykia and her brother.

Pan to Gabrielle, who looks concerned.

     What about them? I thought it had been decided that Darion could stay with his sister-- (bitterly) --as long as they lived in that hut on the edge of the village...

     He is allowed to stay there. Lykia can't--not now that she's a full Amazon. For the next year, she'll have to stay in a hut with the other warriors in training.

     And even if she could be excused from that--

     --which she can't--

EVE (glances at her uneasily):
     --she would have to go out with the night patrol twice a week.

     It's one of the duties of the new warriors--as well as part of their training.

Zoom in on Gabrielle, who looks at her in dismay.


Outside the Council hut. Eve walks out briskly, flanked by Xena and Gabrielle.

GABRIELLE (vehemently):
     Eve--why didn't you tell us?

EVE (defensive):
     Tell you what?

GABRIELLE (angry):
     Do you really think it's right to leave a little boy all by himself in some hut on the edge of the village? What happens the next time he has a nightmare? He needs someone with him.

Eve stops and turns to face her.

     Gabrielle, look--I am trying to work something out. Klymene could stay with him a lot of nights--we're also trying to get a woman from one of the neighboring farms...


GABRIELLE (almost shouting):
     This isn't right!

     Did you really think that this time it was going to be different? That he was just going to be welcomed with open arms? This might not be the best solution, but it's the best one that I--

Gabrielle shakes her head, refusing to listen, and storms off; Xena half-heartedly tries to follow.


XENA (shouts after her):
     Where are you going?

     To see Darion. (She suddenly stops in her tracks, turns around and looks bitterly at Eve, then speaks in an angry, sarcastic tone.) That's still allowed, isn't it?

Gabrielle walks away. Xena wants to follow her, then looks at the clearly distressed Eve and stops.

XENA (shakes her head):
     Eve.... You have to understand. That boy means so much to her. She feels responsible--

EVE (in a near-whisper):
     I do understand.


Close-up on Gabrielle, looking down.

     He belongs with his mother.

She raises her head, a stricken look on her face. There is a brief silence.

DARION (off-camera):
     And then?

The camera pulls back to show Gabrielle sitting next to Darion on a log in the yard outside the hut. Gabrielle is reading from a scroll. She clears her throat and resumes reading.

     "And I said, 'Well, whoever she is, she obviously-- (she pauses for a moment, a catch in her throat) --doesn't want him. (pauses again and finishes in a near-whisper) Imagine sending a baby down the river.'"

     What kind of mother would do that?

Gabrielle looks at him silently.

DARION (looks at her anxiously):
     Gabrielle--are you all right?

     Yeah, yeah... I'm sorry--I just got distracted. (resumes reading) "But Xena said, 'Maybe she had a good reason.' I wondered if she could be right--"

While she is reading, Darion looks up. His face lights up with a surprised smile.

DARION (jumps to his feet):

Gabrielle looks up to see Xena walking up to them.

XENA (to Darion):
     Hey, kiddo.

Darion runs up to her and she squats down to hug him, then rises.

XENA (to Gabrielle):
     Are you--

GABRIELLE (with a forced smile):
     I'm fine.

Xena glances at Darion and then at Gabrielle, obviously wanting to talk to Gabrielle alone.

GABRIELLE (to Darion):
     Darion--why don't you show Xena that wood carving you made? (to Xena) I bet you didn't know that Darion carves wood now. (smiles) He's an artist.


He runs inside the house. Gabrielle gets up and walks up to Xena.

     I'm all right. I just... (shakes her head) I thought that once Darion found his sister, he'd have a real home--a real family...


XENA (gently):
     You are his real family, Gabrielle.


     As long as he's here--he's going to be treated like some kind of--leper. (she shakes her head) This is wrong.

     The Amazons have always endured as a nation of women.

     Maybe it's too high a price to pay. (Off Xena's shocked look, she turns away and sighs, then looks at Xena again) Xena--you know how devoted I've always been to the Amazons. But... (struggles for words) ...how much longer do you think they can go on like this?

Xena is visibly taken aback and is about to say something when Darion runs out of the hut holding a crudely carved wooden figure.

     There! Look, I made this myself!

Xena takes the figure from him and examines it with a puzzled look on her face.

XENA (frowns):
     A horse--in a pointed hat.

DARION (bursts out laughing):
     No, silly. It's a unicorn! You know, like the ones we saw in Britannia?

     Oh yeah.

DARION (dreamy):
     That was so much fun! (suddenly animated) Gabrielle promised we'd go on another adventure!

Xena gives Gabrielle a rather sharp questioning look.

GABRIELLE (flustered):
     Well, I--I said we'd talk about it.

     Right. (She gives the wooden unicorn back to Darion, smiling) Nice work. You've got quite a knack for this, kid.

DARION (beaming):
     Hey, thanks!

XENA (turns to Gabrielle):
     So. Eve and I are off to Ascania to have a chat with that king. Coming?

GABRIELLE (unsure):
     I--Xena ... (glances at Darion) I wanted to spend some time--

XENA (understanding):
     Don't worry. I'll handle it.

GABRIELLE (guiltily):
     Are you sure?

XENA (smiles):
     Yeah, I'm sure. Have fun, you two.

She walks off, mounts Argo who is waiting nearby, and rides away at a trot, Gabrielle watching her thoughtfully.

DARION (tugs at Gabrielle's arm):
     Come on! I want to hear the rest of that scroll!


Xena and Eve riding through the forest.


The city of Ascania--a typical bustling Greek city, Xenaverse-style, with people going about their daily business. Xena and Eve ride through the streets.


An exterior shot of the royal palace.


The palace gates, manned by two armored guards. Xena and Eve approach on horseback and stop as the guards bar their passage by crossing their spears.

     What's your business here?

     We've come to see the king.

GUARD #2 (guffaws):
     The king's busy.

XENA (with a chilly smile):
     Well, tell him Xena, Warrior Princess is here on urgent business. Maybe then he'll find some free time.

The guards exchange nervous looks.


Inside a lavishly decorated palace chamber. Medium close-up on King Melodic, an older man with curly graying hair and a short gray beard, wearing a small crown and embroidered purple robes, sitting at an ornate desk. He is looking up.

KING MELODIC (trying to hide his nervousness):
     So. You're--the legendary Xena.

Pan to Xena and Eve standing in front of him.

KING MELODIC (continues, looking to Eve):
     And you must be--

     Eve. Queen of the Amazons.

     Formerly--Livia of Rome.

Eve looks uneasy for a moment but nods steadily.

     I think you know why we're here.

     You want me to remove the settlements. (Sits back, folding his arms on his chest) Well, I'm not going to do that.

     You're just going to steal our lands.

     You can't steal something that doesn't belong to anyone. In the eyes of the law, the ownership of these lands is--a gray area.


     These lands have always belonged to the Amazons!

KING MELODIC (derisively):
     The Amazons. Tribes--with no notion of property rights--or civilization.

     At least they have some notion of honor--which is more than I can say for some people.

KING MELODIC (glances at her, then continues):
     Savages who still live by hunting, fishing and making war. We intend to use these lands for agriculture and commerce--to cultivate fields, to raise cattle and build industries. (to Eve) You were once a Roman; you should know the differences between civilization and barbarism.

XENA (wryly):
     Well, I'm sorry if the Amazons didn't ask for your approval for their customs. I'm afraid you'll have to make other plans. Unless, of course, you want to go down in history as just another power-hungry warlord who was stupid enough to go up against the Warrior Princess.

King Melodic looks rather nervous but tries to stay in charge.

     I've heard of your exploits, Xena. I--respect you. But this isn't your fight.

     It's my daughter's fight. It's my friends' fight. You want to take your chances on that?

     You may be a great warrior--but you're only one woman.

XENA (smirks):
     I have many skills--and many friends.

     Are you threatening me? You better get out of here before I call in my guards and they make you leave.

     Not until you've heard me out.

She steps closer to him.

KING MELODIC (opens his mouth):

Before he can finish, Xena lunges forward and jabs her fingers into his neck. He tries to move or speak but finds that he can't. His eyes bulge in terror.


XENA (leans in closer and snarls):
     Listen up, Your Majesty. You mess with the Amazons, you mess with me. I don't know what you've heard about me, but you can just assume that the worst of it is true. So, for your own good--back off! You've got three days to start moving those settlements off Amazon lands. Otherwise, you'll have a war on your hands that you're not going to like. (straightens up) You got that? (off his terrified look) Yeah, I think you have.

She jabs her fingers into his neck, releasing him. He gasps for breath.

     I hope we don't meet again. (to Eve) Come on, Eve. We're done here.

KING MELODIC (enraged, his voice still hoarse):
     Not yet. (Yells hoarsely) Guards! Guards!

The doors open and several burly guards step in.

KING MELODIC (points to Xena and Eve):
     Seize those women! They tried to kill me!

Two guards rush at Xena; she jumps up in the air and kicks them, sending them flying through the doorway. Yet another guard charges her while a fourth and a fifth attack Eve. She punches one of them and sends him flying into Xena, who lands a kick that sends him flying toward Melodic and sprawling across the desk. The king jumps to his feet, looking on in amazement and fear as Xena elbows her other attacker in the neck and Eve spins around, giving her other attacker a swift side-kick to the chest.

The first two guards come rushing back in and rush at Xena with their swords at the ready, while the two guards who attacked Eve before rally and attack her again, aided by two other guards who have just run in.

Zoom in on Xena as she spars with her two opponents, deflects a blow from one guard's sword and kicks him in the gut, knocking him down.

Pan to King Melodic who looks on fearfully.

Pan to Eve, who is surrounded by four guards momentarily blocking her from view. With a fierce cry, she flips over the heads of the two guards behind her, then kicks them in the back, knocking them into the two guards in front of them so that they all collapse in a heap.

Pan to Xena as she swings her foot forward in a round kick and knocks the sword from the other attacker's hands.

Pan to Eve as she grabs two of the guard's swords and points them at the guards, who are still down. She is breathing hard.

Close-up on King Melodic, his lips trembling in fear and rage.

Pan to Xena as she spins again, kicking her attacker's feet from under him and sending him to the ground. With a flourish, she twirls her sword and slips it back into the scabbard.

XENA (grinning wickedly):
     I think your men have had enough. Have you?

King Melodic stares at her silently.

     Because I guarantee you--if you don't leave the Amazons alone, what you just saw will be--a preview of coming attractions.

     Maybe we can--talk.

XENA (grins):


The palace hallway. Xena and Eve stride out of the king's chamber. The guards look after them resentfully but do nothing.

XENA (with a strange expression--clearly, she still has mixed feelings about Eve fighting):
     You handled that well.

     So did you. (pauses for a moment as they walk) You think he'll leave the Amazons alone?

XENA (coldly):
     I hope he got the message.

EVE (sighs):
     I hope you're right...maybe, for once, we'll be able to resolve this without bloodshed.


The forest. A deer grazes in a clearing. Morai is crouched behind a young Amazon girl of about twelve or thirteen. The girl is aiming a bow and arrow. Her arm quivers as she draws the bow back. Morai nods approvingly.

MORAI (whispering):
     That's it, Priscilla. Take your time...don't rush. Haste makes for an empty stomach. (she turns and speaks over her shoulder) Remember that.

Three girls the same age as Priscilla are crouching silently behind Morai. They nod silently, obviously anxious over their first hunt.

A faint rustle is heard from the underbrush and Morai cocks her head in that direction, listening. After a moment, she straightens and reaches out to close her hand around the shaft of the arrow. Priscilla sighs and releases the tension in the bow and looks up at Morai expectantly.

     Don't move. Don't make a sound.

Morai draws her sword and moves silently through the underbrush. A teenage boy, about sixteen, is kneeling down behind a bush. We can see that he is from the village by the way he is dressed. He carefully picks up his bow next to him and gets an arrow from his quiver. He begins to crawl forward, moving the bushes aside. Morai presses the tip of sword into the back of his neck.

     Drop it!

The boy turns to her, looking terrified, as we: