9.06 Grey Areas



The Amazons' Council Chamber. All the Amazons leaders are there except Eve. Cyane and Gabrielle, looking worried, stand next to each other. Morai stands in front of them. The boy is on his knees, his hands tied behind his back. He looks terrified.

MORAI (speaking to the Amazons):
     They've stolen our lands, taken our game. Now they're after our children!


     I wasn't!


She swings as if about to strike him.

Pan to Gabrielle.

GABRIELLE (shouting):

Morai steps back, obviously frustrated.

     He was by the river; he was after the children. I saw him--

GABRIELLE (firmly):
     Back off, Morai. I'll question him.

She approaches the boy, who looks up at her nervously.

GABRIELLE (gently):
     What's your name?

The boy swallows, trying not to show his fear.

BOY (mutters):

     How old are you?


     You're from the village nearby?

     That's right. (with sudden vehemence) They'll be looking for me, you know!

     We don't mean you any harm, Caleb.

Pan to Morai, who scoffs but turns away under a withering look from Cyane. Cyane comes up to Gabrielle and Caleb.

     Caleb, what were you doing in the woods?

     I was hunting, that's all! I had no idea there were children around. Please believe me...

Gabrielle looks at him intently, then slowly nods.

     I believe you.

MORAI (in disbelief):
     What! Are you--

CYANE (cutting her off):
     So do I.

     Morai, you said yourself there was game around. He must have been after the same deer as you and the girls.


     You haven't got a shred of evidence that he was aiming at the girls.

     He could see them from where he was.

CALEB (heatedly):
     I couldn't! I was looking at--

MORAI (hits him in the back of the head, hard enough to make him wince):
     Shut up!

Gabrielle grabs her arm, hard.



GABRIELLE (glares at her):
     Stop it, Morai. This is not how we treat prisoners. And this boy (nods at Caleb) shouldn't even be a prisoner. It's obvious he's--

MORAI (interrupts):
     Says who? You have no authority here anymore.

     I agree with Gabrielle.

     We should let the boy go. There's still a chance to resolve things peaceably with those villagers--

     Please let me go. They're going to miss me and come looking for me.. (looks up at Cyane and Gabrielle) You know I didn't do anything wrong!

MORAI (scornfully):
     Didn't do anything wrong! You were on our lands. You don't belong here!

CALEB (shouts):
     I wasn't trying to hurt those girls!

GABRIELLE (shakes her head):
     Most of us believe you, Caleb. But it isn't that simple. Morai is your accuser--by Amazon law, you have to be tried in front of the Queen.

     We have to hold him here until Eve comes back. (to Caleb) It's only going to be for a few hours.

     We don't need to keep him tied up, do we?

Pan to Morai, who opens her mouth to speak but snaps it shut under Cyane's glare.

     No, of course not.

Gabrielle bends down, pulls a sai from her boot and cuts the ropes Caleb's hands are tied with. He gets up, rubbing his wrists.

CALEB (mutters, somewhat reassured but still obviously nervous):

     The villagers will be wondering where he is. They need to know he's safe.

     We'll send a messenger.

     We'll need to send some proof that he's all right.

She looks at Caleb expectantly and he thinks a moment. From his neck he removes a leather cord with a pendant attached.

     This was my father's. Show it to my mother. She'll know that I'm fine.

     She could think you're dead.

CALEB (gets an idea):
     Can you get me something to write on?



Forest. Late afternoon. A search party of about ten villagers, including a couple of women, is walking through the forest, scanning the area.

A woman stops and looks at something on the ground, then gasps. She bends down and picks up an arrow on the ground. She looks at the markings on the arrow's blunt end. Fear fills her face.

WOMAN (worried):
     That was...Caleb's.

     Are you sure?

WOMAN (almost sobs):
     I'm sure! That was my boy's!

The villagers look around. Another man points to the ground. The camera zooms in on the trampled grass and the boot marks.

     Someone attacked him!

Caleb's mother starts to whimper.

CALEB'S MOTHER (crying):
     It was women! Those savages!

MALE VILLAGER #1 (angrily):
     They must have taken him hostage. King Melodic is forcing them off their lands, so they're taking it out on us!

     They want to drive us out!

The villagers murmur in anger and fear.

CALEB'S MOTHER (shouts through tears):
     Let's go back to the village and get the others. We're going to march in there and get Caleb back!


The Amazon village. Tynne is about to mount a brown horse. Cyane and Gabrielle stand facing her.

     You've got the letter and the pendant?

     Yeah, right here. (pats at her belt)

     Be careful.


     Thanks. I'll be back soon.

She gets in the saddle and rides off.


The Ascanian settlement. Dusk. The settlers are all crowded in the main square. Some of them are holding shovels, rakes, sticks and other farming implements that can be used as weapons. Teras is standing in the center of the circle, Caleb's tearful mother next to him.

TERAS (shouts):
     Now, remember--all we want to do is get Caleb back. If they give him back to us without a fight, then we leave.

MALE VILLAGER #1 (yelling):
     I say once we get Caleb, we burn that village of theirs right to the ground!

Some of the villagers cheer.

TERAS (trying to calm them):
     We don't want a war with the Amazons!

FEMALE VILLAGER #2 (almost sobbing):
     Then what are we supposed to do? Wait until they come after our children again?

There's a murmur of agreement among the villagers.

TERAS (shaking his head):
     Look here--calm down. We've talked with their queen before--they may be barbarians, but they don't seem like the kind who would just go snatching kids--

CALEB'S MOTHER (shouts):
     They snatched mine!

     That's right! Burn their village!

Suddenly there is a commotion off-camera. Pan over to two teenage boys who are running toward the crowd, both out of breath.

BOY #1 (pointing back):
     An Amazon... (breathing hard) ...one of the Amazons just rode into the village!

All of the villagers begin to talk at once. Some clutch their weapons tighter.

TERAS (shouting):
     Hold it! Lets just find out if Caleb is all right before we start anything!

The clamor dies down a little, but the villagers still look scared and belligerent.

Pan to the woman riding toward them. It's Tynne. She brings her horse to a halt and smiles at the villagers, trying to look as friendly as she can.

CALEB'S MOTHER (shouting):
     Where is my son?!

Tynne dismounts and walks toward the villagers. Their angry demeanor obviously makes her nervous, but she is doing her best to stay calm.

TYNNE (gently):
     Your son is safe. Everything is fine.

     Then why isn't he here?!


     There was--a misunderstanding. Everything will be okay, so please--

CALEB'S MOTHER (shocked and scared):
     Misunderstanding? What's going on? What are you doing to him?!


She reaches for her belt where she has the letter and the pendant.

MALE VOICE FROM THE CROWD (off-camera, shouting):
     She's going for her sword!

As the camera zooms in, we see that the sword is on the other side of Tynne's belt. Tynne is about to say something but before she can speak, a male villager brings a shovel down on her head. She falls.


TERAS (yells):
     No, wait--

As she tries to get up, another villager, a woman, stabs her with a pitchfork. The man with the shovel hits her again and she collapses, unconscious.

TERAS (shouting):
     Stop! Stop!

The villagers back off slowly. Teras steps toward the unconscious Tynne.

     What did you think you were doing?

MALE VILLAGER #4 (defensive):
     I saw her...she was trying to grab her sword.

     She was! I saw it too.

TERAS (confused):
     It doesn't make sense.

MALE VILLAGER #3 (to Teras):
     We can use her to our advantage. As a bargaining chip to get Caleb back.

Teras slowly nods.


A wide shot of the Amazon village at dusk. Xena and Eve ride in as the camera slowly zooms in. Gabrielle and Cyane come out briskly to meet them.

XENA (dismounting):
     Hey, good news. I think we're getting somewhere with King Melodic.

     Yeah? Well, we have some bad news back here.

Xena and Eve give her worried looks.


The council chamber where the Amazon leaders have all gathered. The din of voices fades in.

Eve is sitting in the chair in the middle of the queens' council, flanked by Cyane and the other leaders. Xena and Gabrielle stand to the side. Morai is standing in front of the council. Caleb stands behind her, fidgeting and obviously scared.

     Clearly, what happened was a misunderstanding. Yes, Caleb was hunting on our lands and that's against our law--but we're hoping to have that issue resolved and to reach an agreement with the settlers. He's not on trial for that. He's being charged with trying to attack the children--but clearly, he had no intention of hurting them.

MORAI (angrily):
     And you are going to take his word for it? (shouting) He was hiding in the bushes with a weapon! The girls were in danger!

     He's just a boy. Do you really think that a seventeen-year-old farm boy would go hunting for Amazon children with a bow and arrow? He'd have to be crazy!

     Well, maybe he is. Or maybe the others sent him. They want us out of here, don't they? They're the enemy--all of them. Why should we expect them to act reasonably?

     That's not evidence, Morai. That's just your hatred speaking. This trial is over. You may step back.

Morai stays where she is.

EVE (forcefully):
     Step back, Morai.

Pan to Xena, who looks at Eve with obvious pride.

Glaring at her, Morai retires to the back of the chamber.

EVE (to the other leaders):
     How do you vote?

     Not guilty.

     Not guilty.

Pan to Caleb, who gives a sigh of relief, and to Morai, who flinches in disgust.


A flash of joy on Morai's face.

A montage of the other four council members voting, their voices merging with each other: "Not guilty--guilty--guilty--not guilty."

Pan to Eve; a close-up on her face.

     Not guilty. (rises) Caleb--you are free to go.

Morai spits on the floor and storms out.

GABRIELLE (shakes her head):
     I'll try to talk to her...

Xena nods her assent and Gabrielle follows Morai outside.

     It's getting dark. One of us should take the boy back to the village.

     I'll take him.


The street in the Amazon village. Morai is practicing moves with a staff to vent her anger. Gabrielle comes up behind her.

GABRIELLE (softly):

Morai turns abruptly, flipping the staff as if about to hit Gabrielle.

MORAI (brusquely):
     What do you want?

     To talk.

MORAI (rolling her eyes):
     To rub it in?

GABRIELLE (trying to hold back frustration):
     Morai, did you really think Caleb wanted to hurt those children?

Morai looks away, then looks defiantly at Gabrielle.

     Who cares. He's one of them. (viciously) If it were up to me, he would die just for hunting on our grounds.

Gabrielle shakes her head in disbelief.

     Morai...are you angry at them? Or at me?

     You know, I had always looked up to you. I'd grown up hearing all those stories about you and Xena. And then you showed up, and-- (shakes her head) How many Amazons did you lead to their deaths in the war against Bellerophon? Against Sabina?

GABRIELLE (softly):

MORAI (voice cracking):
     There was always someone who was more important to you than our tribe. First Xena--then, this--male child. You went off and left us...to be ruled by yet another queen who'd rather show kindness to strangers than protect her own people!

     Morai, the Amazons can't stand alone against the whole world... (sighs) Things aren't so--black and white.

     We're being pushed off our lands! Is that black and white enough for you? (shouting) Now is the time to teach everyone a lesson not to mess with the Amazons! Now is the time to fight!

Gabrielle stares at her, not sure what to say.


Nightfall. The riverbank near the Amazon village. A group of about fifteen people from the Ascanian village, mostly men, are standing around; they are armed with pitchforks, shovels, and sticks, and carrying torches and lanterns. Teras is at the head of the group. Caleb's mother, looking desperate and determined, stands next to him. One of the farmers, a man in his mid-thirties of medium height, with curly dark hair and a beard, is leading Tynne's horse; the still-unconscious Tynne is slumped across the horse's back.

TERAS (to the man leading the horse):
     All right, Barkus. You stay here with the Amazon. We're going to go get Caleb back.

     Help me get her down.

He unties the rope and, with Teras' help, gets Tynne off the horse and eases her down on the ground. She moans slightly and stirs.

BARKUS (displeased):
     I still say we should have gotten her to the healer first. She doesn't look good.

MALE VILLAGER #1 (scoffs):
     Listen to the big softie.

     The Amazons can take care of her. If they don't make any trouble about Caleb, we'll turn her over to them right away.


Xena rides through the Ascanian village, Caleb sitting behind her.

     There's my house!

Xena brings Argo to a half trot, dismounts and helps Caleb down.

     Thanks. (hesitates) Look, a lot of the folks in my village don't trust the Amazons, but I'm gonna tell them--

Before he can finish, the door of the house opens and a girl of about fourteen looks out.

GIRL (overjoyed and surprised):

CALEB (turns to her):
     Hey, sis. (squeezes her in a tight hug) It's good to be home. Is mom okay?

     She... (hesitates) ...she went over to the Amazon village with the others.

CALEB (frowns):
     What for?

     To get you back, of course. We didn't know--

     Wait, didn't you get my message?

GIRL (puzzled):
     What message?

XENA (frowns):
     The Amazons sent someone over--with a message from Caleb.

The girl stares at her in shock.

GIRL (whispers):
     Oh, by the gods...


By the river, Barkus is sitting on the grass. A lantern stands next to him. Tynne is sprawled on the ground. She stirs again, moans and suddenly lifts her head.

TYNNE (hoarsely):
     Help me...

BARKUS (scrambles to his feet):
     Hold on a minute...

He runs to the water's edge, scoops up some water in his hands and brings it to Tynne. She drinks avidly and moans again.

     You're gonna be all right. In a little bit, we're gonna get you back to your people and they'll patch you up--

TYNNE (moans):

     Letter? What letter? (shakes his head) Must be delirious...


TYNNE (weakly, pointing toward her belt):
     There...letter...Caleb...he's okay...

Suddenly understanding, Barkus fumbles at her belt. He pulls out a small scroll and the pendant, and quickly unwraps the scroll, trying to read it by the light of the lantern.

     Let's see, what does it say here...too bad I never had much schooling... (squints at the scroll) Moth-er--I--am all--what's that word?--all right...

He reads on, moving his lips, then lowers the scroll and looks up at Tynne in dismay.

     Oh brother. (shakes his head) What a mess. Come on, we'd better get you back to your village.

He tucks the scroll and pendant behind his own belt, then tries to help Tynne to her feet but she collapses, moaning.


Night. Amazon village. The mob of Ascanian villagers, with their torches and weapons, stand in the village square shouting. Eve and Cyane come toward them. As the two queens approach, the shouts die down and there is a moment's silence.

EVE (authoritatively):
     What do you want here?

TERAS (forcefully):
     We have come to get Caleb!

EVE (confused):
     Caleb! But we already sent him back to you.

Taken aback, the villagers exchange puzzled looks, not knowing whether to believe her or what to do next.

     Didn't you get the message before? His letter said we'd send him back in the evening.

TERAS (bewildered):
     What are you talking about, woman? What letter?

     Didn't Tynne bring you the letter and the pendant from Caleb? (with sudden alarm) Where is Tynne? Where's the Amazon that went to your village?

VILLAGER #1 (growling):
     You want the bitch back, then give us Caleb!

Some of the villagers shout in agreement. By now many other Amazons have come out of their huts to see what the commotion is, and are starting to assemble behind Cyane and Eve. Gabrielle comes up too.

TERAS (tersely):
     Shut up, Icarion. (to Eve) We want Caleb.

     I already told you--Xena is taking him back to your village. (repeats forcefully) Where is Tynne?

The villagers don't move.

EVE (shouting):
     Where is Tynne?!


Forest. Night. A rustle is heard and the camera zooms in on several Amazons stealing quietly through the woods. We see Antiope and Lykia among them. They are carrying spears.

Off-camera, a noise is heard--it sounds like a moan.

ANTIOPE (in a whisper):
     Did you hear that?

AMAZON #2 (also whispering):
     It came from there...where the river is.

A moan is heard again, followed by the indistinct sound of a man's voice.

     All right, we have to check this out. Lykia--stay close to me. This is your first night patrol, so--

Her voice fades into the night as the Amazons move on.


Barkus struggling to get Tynne to her feet.

     Come on--

The branches part and several Amazons step silently out onto the riverbank. They are the night patrol.

A shot from the Amazons' point of view of Barkus struggling with Tynne in the moonlight.

     It's Tynne! Let go of her, you animal!

Barkus looks back in fright and lets go of Tynne, who collapses to the ground. The Amazons run toward him and Barkus holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender. Meanwhile, Antiope bends over Tynne, pressing her fingers to Tynne's neck.

     Hey, take it easy! She--

Antiope stands up straight.

     She's dead.


LYKIA (yells suddenly):
     You bastard!

She lunges at Barkus and, before anyone can stop her, plunges her spear into his stomach. Close-up on Barkus as he gasps, his eyes bulging and blood dripping from his mouth.

Lykia pulls the spear out of his stomach, causing Barkus' to collapse to the ground.

     You didn't have to do that!

LYKIA (helplessly):

The clearing suddenly fills with voices. Pan to show the Ascanian villagers led by Teras. Next to them are Eve, Cyane and Gabrielle.

Close-up on Lykia, a lost expression on her face as she looks at them.

TERAS (shouting):

He rushes to the fallen man.

Gabrielle stares at the dying Barkus and at the bloodied spear in Lykia's hand.


GABIRELLE (in a near-whisper):