9.03 What Separates Us I



On a high cliff overlooking a lush green valley below, a small farming village in the distance on the horizon. Bluish clouds, glowing silver in the sun, are gathering at the horizon. The camera pulls back to show Xena sitting at the edge of the cliff, staring out pensively at the clouds. A small smile touches her lips.


     Don't tell me you're enjoying the peace and quiet.

There is a flash of light behind her and Ares materializes, sitting on the grass. He puts his hand over hers.

ARES (grins):
      Are you?

Xena smiles and lightly rubs his fingers, then looks ahead thoughtfully.

XENA (sighs):
     No, just wondering-- (she trails off)

     --what Gabrielle is up to? (she looks away and he chuckles) Well, I believe she's off on a date with Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. So... (he looks up, pretending to think) I imagine they're sitting somewhere gazing into each other's eyes, holding hands, watching sunsets... (makes a face) ...that kind of thing.

Xena gets up slowly and turns around, her expression turning to a mischievous grin.

     Are they, now. (teasingly) Not your idea of a date, huh?

ARES (grins):
     Definitely not. (insinuating) Now, what were you going to suggest?

     Oh--so we're on a date, now?


     I hope so.

XENA (suavely):
     Well--there is something we haven't done in a long time--

Ares raises an eyebrow at her and she gives him a teasing smile.


Two swords clashing, hard enough to make sparks fly.

Ares and Xena

The camera pulls back to show Ares and Xena sparring enthusiastically. They parry each other's blows while they dance around each other, gracefully yet powerfully--two warriors fighting as one, each knowing the other well enough to anticipate each other's moves and counter them with agility and grace.

A small drizzle starts, but Xena and Ares are too preoccupied to pay attention.

Xena swings at Ares but he vanishes suddenly. She stands on guard, her sword at the ready, breathing hard as she looks around.

XENA (raises her voice in mock annoyance):
     You're not playing fair, Ares.

ARES (off camera):
     The God of War doesn't have to play fair.

Two strong gauntleted arms wrap around Xena's waist; the camera pulls back to show Ares behind her, holding her tight.

Xena lowers her sword, throws her head back and sensuously runs her tongue over her lips. Ares is distracted for a moment--long enough for Xena to spin around, grab Ares' arm and throw him down on the ground. Xena plants her foot down on his chest, looking down at him.


     Neither does a warrior princess.

Ares lifts his hand and touches Xena's leg just above the rim of her boot, then slowly runs it up her thigh. Xena gasps a little, her lips parted in a sigh of pleasure.

Close-up on Ares' hands as he yanks hard at Xena's legs, tipping her over as he jumps to his feet. Xena lands hard on the ground with a small grunt. She rolls over instantly, going for her sword, but Ares swoops down and pins her to the ground, grinning.

ARES (cocky but tender):
     Two can play that game.

They kiss passionately, their eyes closed. Slightly out of breath, Ares pulls back. We see a bleeding cut above Xena's right eye, the blood trickling down her face. Ares frowns as he props himself up on an elbow and touches the cut. Xena winces slightly.

ARES (concerned):
     How did that happen?

XENA (casually):
     Just a piece of rock that got in my way.

Ares rises to his feet, as does Xena. She sees the troubled look on his face.

     Oh come on, Ares--it's no big deal. (flippant) I've had worse.

ARES (serious):
     I've always treated you as my equal, Xena. But--

XENA (with sudden vehemence):
     You should. I'd accept nothing less.

     You're still mortal.

Xena shakes her head.

XENA (wryly):
     What are you, worried that you might get too rough with me one day and accidentally kill me?

ARES (quietly):
     I did once...

     Only because I let you.

Xena and Ares

They stare at each other quietly, their eyes soft. Ares lightly caresses Xena's face, wiping off the trickle of blood. Xena catches his wrist and holds his hand, pressing her lips to his palm.

The rain starts to come down harder and there is a distant rumbling of thunder.

Xena lets go of Ares' hand. He shapes his features into a half-grin, adopting his usual bravado to lighten the mood.

ARES (teasing):
     So you think you can keep up with the God of War, do you?

XENA (huskily):
     I guess we'll see.

Xena and Ares

They kiss tenderly and passionately as the rain starts to pour, drenching the ground. Xena is getting soaked but Ares stays completely dry. A bright flash of lightning illuminates them as they kiss, their silhouettes stark against the bright bluish-white light. A loud crash of thunder follows but it barely fazes Ares and Xena. Finally Ares pulls back and moves Xena's now-dripping hair off her face.

     We better get someplace dry. Wouldn't want you catching a cold.

XENA (mockingly):
     Oh, don't tell me--now you think a cold might kill me.

ARES (smirks):
     No, but it'll make you cranky. That's bad enough.

He puts his hands on her shoulders and they disappear in a burst of blue light that merges with another flash of lightning.


A rainy night in a village. Occasional flashes of lightning illuminate the dark sky; distant rumbles of thunder are heard. Through the veil of rain, we see a rider approaching. As he enters the village, two female sentries armed with spears step out from under a wooden covering. The rider slows down. A long shot of him talking to the sentries.


Inside a hut. Eve and Klymene are sitting at a table; Klymene is reading a scroll.

KLYMENE (looks up at Eve):
     So your mother actually died.

EVE (chuckles):
     More than once.

KLYMENE (after a brief silence):
     Do you ever worry that some day, she--won't come back?

EVE (growing serious):
     We're all mortal, Klymene. Even Xena. (she smiles slightly) Though I'm sure some would argue otherwise.

There's a loud knock on the door. Eve and Klymene turn toward the door, startled.

EVE (raises her voice):
     Come in!

The door is pushed open and Myopi comes in. She is drenched.

     Queen Eve. There's--a man here to see you. (She stresses the word "man," in a none too friendly manner)

EVE (surprised):
     At this hour?

     He says he's a friend of yours. (The camera zooms in on her and we see Virgil behind her. He also looks drenched.) He also says he has an urgent message.

EVE (rises):
     Show him in.

Virgil comes in, shaking himself off.

     Virgil. (She looks at him with an uncertain smile)


EVE (to Myopi):
     Thank you, Myopi--you can leave us now.

Myopi bows slightly and leaves.

Virgil comes up to Eve, reaches out and takes her hands.

VIRGIL (smiling):
     It's good to see you.

     You should change into something dry... (after a brief pause) You have a message?

VIRGIL (his smile fading, he lets go of her hands and takes out a scroll tucked in behind his belt):
     It's from Orphelia. I was passing through Moesia and I saw her.

Eve takes the scroll, looking worried.

     Who's Orphelia?

     The woman who raised me...she was-- (hesitates briefly) like a mother to me.

She unrolls the scroll and starts to read it.

     Is she all right?

EVE (looks up worriedly at Virgil):
     I have to go to Moesia. (thinks a moment) I have to get word to Xena and Gabrielle.

Close-up of Eve, then Virgil exchanging worried looks.


Xena, Gabrielle and Haimon are riding through the countryside.

HAIMON (glances at Gabrielle, who seems lost in thought):
     A dinar for your thoughts.

Gabrielle glances at him distractedly.

XENA (to Haimon, with a mischievous smile):
     Oh, I can tell you what Gabrielle's thinking about. Or should I say--who.

HAIMON (smiles at Gabrielle):
     I'm sure Darion misses you a lot.

     I wonder how much he's grown... (she pauses, lost in thought again, then glances at Haimon uncomfortably as if trying to cover a mistake) I'm sure he misses you, too. You--you two get along really well.

There's a brief, awkward silence. The camera pulls back to show someone approaching on horseback.

GABRIELLE (puzzled):
     That looks like one of the Amazons.

As the rider gets closer, we see that it's Myopi. She slows down and stops, as do Xena, Gabrielle and Haimon.

     Myopi. What are you doing here? Did Eve send you out to meet us?

     Gabrielle. (bows her head slightly) I have a message for you--and Xena.

XENA (with a touch of anxiety):
     Is Eve all right?

     The message is from Eve. She left this morning, alone, to go to Moesia.

     Moesia! (gasps slightly) That's where Orphelia lives. (Off Haimon's questioning look) She was sort of a--surrogate mother to Eve. (to Myopi) Has something happened to her?

     Moesia's in danger.

XENA (brusquely):
     From what?

     A barbarian tribe from the north. The Visigoths.


A large camp. The people walking around are dressed in rugged clothing, with long beards and shaggy hair. The camp looks somewhat similar to the Ostrogoth camp in "Sisterhood" but it looks wealthier--clearly the looting has paid off. Some of the warriors are wearing clothes and armor that have a Roman look.

Zoom in on several men in pairs sparring with each other. The camera pulls back to show a powerfully built man with a neatly trimmed beard and long dark wavy hair who is surveying the exercises.

VISIGOTH #1 (off-camera):
     My lord Alaric-- (Alaric turns to look at the Visigoth coming toward him) --there is someone here to see you.


     Who is this someone?

     Don't know, sire--she's a warrior and she says she wants to speak with you.

ALARIC (interested):

     Yes, sir.

     Bring her here.

The Visigoth bows and heads off. Moments later, he is seen walking toward Alaric with Zenobia at his side. They walk up to Alaric. Zenobia looks at him firmly.

     And you are...

     A woman who could be very useful to you. You have a grudge against the Romans? So do I.

     I have a whole army at my fingertips. What makes you think you'll be of any use?

     Only the fact that I've dealt with the Romans before.

Alaric looks curiously at her.


A large city stands in the middle of a dry, desert-like landscape.


A magnificent palace in the center of the city made of hardened sandstone, with flags posted in the turrets, blowing in the breeze.



A palace balcony. Zenobia, without the scar on her face, wearing gold armor rather similar to the one she's wearing now, stands looking out pensively at the city.

A dark-skinned man in silver armor comes up behind her.

     My Queen--

Zenobia turns. The general gets down on one knee.

     The men are ready.


A large square in Palmyra. Zenobia, mounted on a beautiful, sleek black horse, rides out in front of her assembled troops. She stops and raises her hand high in the air.

     Warriors of Palmyra! Today is the beginning of our fight for freedom. Some of you may never see your home again. But I know the courage in your hearts--otherwise you wouldn't be here, riding with me this day. We all want the same thing--to be free from the Roman Empire, to live our lives the way we choose. If we don't stand up for ourselves, no one else will. I promise you, this city will be free again one day. It may be later rather than sooner, but it will happen. As your queen, I will fight for you as long as I'm alive. Whether we win or lose--we will always hold our heads high and believe in freedom for all.

The men cheer. Close-up of Zenobia's face as she smiles proudly.



A close-up of Zenobia's face in the present, her eyes now filled with bitterness and rage.

Alaric looks at her, clearly interested.

ALARIC (realizing):
     I know who you are. You're Zenobia... (Off her slow nod of acknowledgment) I've heard about you. You're the warrior queen who led her people against the might of Rome itself.

     And I intend to do it again. Trust me--you'll do much better with me on your side than without.

Alaric looks at her with an appreciative grin.

     Very well. We obviously want the same thing.

     The fall of Rome.

They clasp hands as we: