9.03 What Separates Us I



Nymphidius, Eve, and two Roman officers are walking through the battlefield, looking around. Xena, Gabrielle, and Haimon are following them.

     We've lost fewer than a dozen men. (Shakes his head in surprise) Maybe the tales we've been hearing of the Visigoths and their power were exaggerated. They weren't nearly as formidable as I expected them to be.

     Nothing but a bunch of pathetic Visigoths.

XENA (raising her voice):
     Maybe that's what they want you to think. Next time they attack, you'll go in there thinking you're invincible and walk right into a trap.

OFFICER #1 (chuckles):
     Judging by today, I very much doubt that there'll be a next time.


A large clearing in the woods. Zenobia rides in, leading the Visigoth attack force in retreat. She brings her horse to a halt.

Alaric, on a spotted gray horse, rides out on the clearing from the opposite direction. He looks expectantly at Zenobia.

ZENOBIA (smiles):
     It's all going according to plan.

     Good. Let the Romans think that just because they've won the battle, they've won the war. (grins) That's exactly what I'm counting on.


The walls of Moesia. The Roman troops are going inside the city gates.


The courtyard at the Roman military headquarters in Moesia. Xena and Eve are walking through the courtyard. Gabrielle and Haimon are walking ahead of them.

XENA (in an oddly expressionless voice):
     Come on, let's get that cut of yours cleaned up.

     It's all right. You shouldn't worry about me so much.

XENA (smiles thinly):
     It's what mothers do.

EVE (glances at her guiltily):
     Mother...are you angry at me? For staying here to fight?

XENA (a little stiffly):
     It was your decision to make. I'll always stand by you. (changes the subject) Right now, we need to think about winning this war.

As they continue walking through the courtyard, the camera pulls back to show a group of Roman soldiers standing by the wall, passing around a wineskin.

     You think they'll be back?

As Xena and Eve come near the group of soldiers, one of them, a man in his late twenties, stares at Xena with undisguised hostility, narrowing his eyes.

     There have to be more of them. Eve, we shouldn't wait for them to make the next move. Otherwise, they'll always have us on the defensive. You-- (she pauses) Nymphidius needs to track them down to their camp and attack first.

Close-up of the soldier who's giving Xena a dirty look.

SOLDIER #1 (calls out):

Xena and Eve stop abruptly and turn to look at him.

XENA (guardedly):

     Word is--some four years ago, you and your little girlfriend helped out a bunch of desert-dwelling savages fighting against a Roman legion.

XENA (comes closer and gives him an icy stare, her arms crossed on her chest):
     What's it to you?

SOLDIER #1 (his hand on the hilt of his sword):
     What's it to me? I'll tell you. My brother was serving in that legion. The animals killed him.

Xena looks regretful for a moment; then her stare hardens.

     Soldiers get killed. It comes with the job.

She turns to walk away.

SOLDIER #1 (yells after her):
     What makes you think we can trust you now?

Xena whips around. Eve looks alarmed; in the background, we see that Gabrielle and Haimon have stopped as well and are watching the scene.

     Vitus is right! She's always hated the Romans--everyone knows that! How do we know she won't lead us into a trap?

     Yeah! What gives a Thracian thug the right to meddle in Roman affairs?

XENA (scornfully):
     Trust me, meddling in Roman affairs is the last thing I want. I'm here to help some innocent people protect their homes and their lives from a ruthless invader. (narrows her eyes) Just like I helped those savages (spits out the word with contempt) in the desert.

The soldiers grumble indignantly.

     You really expect us to believe that you want to help us? You probably want the Visigoths to slaughter everyone in this colony!

     Why, you--

She steps toward the soldier in a menacing manner. Vitus draws his sword.

Eve steps between them and glares at the soldiers.

     Enough of this. We have an enemy to defeat--and Xena is not the enemy. You may not like her but right now, she's fighting on your side--because it's the right thing.

Close-up on Xena's face. She's keeping her emotions in check but is obviously conflicted.

EVE (continues):
     Believe me, if anyone has good reasons to hold a grudge against Rome, it's Xena. If she can put it behind her, why can't you?

Soldier #2 looks at Eve, then puts his hand on Vitus' sword arm, restraining him.

     Out of respect for you--we will. (He salutes her) I fought under you in Gaul. You were the best commander I ever had.

Eve looks at him silently, clearly troubled. She turns and starts to walk away, Xena walking at her side.

Close-up on Xena's face as she stares blankly ahead.



From "Livia":

Xena is standing with Augusts behind the curtains of the Imperial Box.

     She's a warrior...for Rome!

     She's alive. Considering all of Mt. Olympus wanted to kill her, wanted to crush the Bringer of Twilight. What more did you expect?

     I'll tell you what I expected--I expected to raise her myself! To show her a way beyond the blood and the violence!

     But you weren't there! She was sent away as a child and raised in the provinces, with every advantage. She had the best tutors, the best training!

     For what? I saw the slaves. She's a monster!

     She's the greatest warrior Rome's ever known.


Xena and Eve walk on in a tense silence.


The forest outside Moesia. A large Visigoth force is moving through the woods, led by Alaric and Zenobia.


The walls of Moesia. Pan up to a guard tower. Zoom in on a Roman sentry as he looks down. His eyes widen in dismay.


Eve's room in the Roman headquarters building. Eve is sitting on the bed with her armor and helmet off; Xena is tending to the cut on her side.

     There--that should be all right.

     Thank you. (after a brief silence) I'm sorry about what happened out there.

XENA (coldly):
     There was no need for you to step in. You could have let me handle it.

     And have you fighting with our men? That wouldn't have done anyone any good.

XENA (glances at her in shock):
     Our men?

Eve looks away; Xena gets up, walks toward the window and stands still, looking out.

XENA (bitterly):
     Maybe that soldier was right. I have no business meddling in Roman affairs.


From "Ashes To Ashes":

Xena is standing in the small house, wearing her simple peasant dress, the imaginary Agrippina in front of her.

     A part of you desperately wanted to believe that there was something good in Rome--that the power of the empire could be put to the service of the Greater Good. You thought you could help make that happen.

     And that's supposed to make me feel better? (shakes her head bitterly) I let my guard down and forgot the most important lesson I ever learned.

     And what lesson is that, Warrior Princess?

XENA (growling):
     Never trust a Roman.

Over the flashback, a loud knock on the door is heard.


Xena and Eve turn abruptly to the door. The door flies open and a Roman soldier (Soldier #4) rushes in, slightly out of breath.

     Livia--the Visigoths are back...with at least four times the force they had before! They're headed straight for the Western gate!

Xena and Eve exchange concerned looks.

XENA (grimly):
     Very clever.

EVE (picks up her armor and helmet):
     Let's go.

Eve walks out. Xena sits still a moment, then heads for the door when Ares materializes in a flash. She stops and looks at him.

     Would you let me help you?

     No. Ares, this is just another battle. I've fought plenty of those without having you bail me out.

     I have a bad feeling about this one. Be careful.

XENA (brusquely):
     I'm always careful.

     This is much too personal for you. You're losing focus.

XENA (glares at him):
     I said I'll be fine.


ARES (reaches out to touch her face; softly):
     No way I'm going to lose you now.

Xena's face softens as she touches his hand.

XENA (in a softer voice):
     Don't be so melodramatic. (She reaches up and gives him a quick kiss) I've got to go.

She walks out briskly. Ares remains standing there, looking after her thoughtfully.


The Romans stream out of the city gates. They look somewhat disorganized, obviously taken by surprise.

Quick pan to the Visigoth force coming toward them.

The two armies clash.

A montage of battle scenes as the Romans and the Visigoths fight. This time they are at least evenly matched. We see both Romans and Visigoths falling in battle.

Zoom in on Nymphidius. He strikes down a sword-wielding Visigoth and starts to fight another, not noticing that yet another enemy is approaching from behind. As he spars with the Visigoth in front of him, the one behind him hits him in the back with a club and he falls to the ground.

The two Visigoths grins, one raising his sword, the other his club.

The man who is holding the sword suddenly has it knocked out of his hand with a powerful blow of another sword. He whips around only to be downed with a swift kick to the chest and then knocked unconscious with another kick to the head. The club-wielding Visigoth swings his club. The camera pulls back to show Eve. Her sword slashes at the Visigoth's right hand, wounding him. He snarls and nearly drops the club but manages to swing it at Eve. She spins around with a furious yell and knocks the club from his hand, then kicks out both legs, using her sword as a pivot, and knocks him down just as Nymphidius starts scrambling to his feet.

NYMPHIDIUS (hoarsely):
     Thank you.

Eve nods in acknowledgment, then looks across the battlefield, obviously searching for someone. The camera follows her gaze to show Xena fighting.


Gabrielle and Haimon fight side by side.


Alaric galloping through the field, surveying the battle.


Zenobia, now on foot, emerges from a cloud of dust. She charges forward, cutting through the Roman ranks with ease and slaughtering the soldiers in her path.


Eve battling two Visigoths. She knocks the sword from one man's hand, then leaps and knocks him out with a kick to the chest, and almost simultaneously hits the other man in the face with the flat of her sword. He falls.

Eve runs toward another area of the battlefield, only to stop short.

Pan to Zenobia, who stands in Eve's path, pointing a sword at her.

ZENOBIA (sneers):
     Well, if it isn't my old friend--Livia.

EVE (looks stricken for a moment but then recovers):

     Oh, you remember me. Well, I'm not surprised--I was your first big trophy. You know, in the dungeon where you sent me, I heard rumors that you'd become some kind of pacifist. I guess it didn't take.

     You've joined the Visigoths.

     And why not? Any enemy of Rome is a friend of mine.

     Zenobia, these people aren't fighting for freedom the way you were. They're fighting for greed and power and conquest...the way I was. You're better than that.

ZENOBIA (with a sneer):
     After eight years as a captive of Rome, it's a little too late to appeal to my better nature. No more chitchat, Livia. I've waited long enough to cross swords with you again.

Zenobia charges at Eve with a furious battle yell. They fight. Each is able to hold her own against the other as they display a dazzling array of sword moves and kicks.



Xena goes up against one of the stronger and more commanding Visigoths, a powerfully built man with a long beard. He snarls at her and she snarls back with an equally deadly stare before he attacks her. She meets his sword several times and flips over him, preparing to stab him from the back. But he is one step ahead of her and he grabs her arm and spins her around so she is facing him again. She kicks him in the gut but he is unfazed. She swings her sword at him and he knocks it out of her hand. She staggers for a moment but quickly regains her footing. The Visigoth attacks again.

Xena repels his attack, knocks him to the ground and runs her sword through his chest as he bellows in mortal pain. Breathing hard, she looks around the battlefield, the camera following her gaze. We see Gabrielle and Haimon fighting in another part of the battlefield, and then Eve, fighting Zenobia.


Xena stands frozen for a moment, looking troubled and distracted.


     She's a warrior...for Rome!

     She's the greatest warrior Rome's ever known.

In the background, a group of Visigoths can be seen running up behind her, their leader swinging his sword.

Pan to Gabrielle and Haimon. Gabrielle repels a Visigoth's attack with her sword, then downs two more Visigoths with a series of swift kicks.


The attack momentarily stopped, Gabrielle pauses to take a deep breath. Then she turns and looks toward where Xena is fighting.

Close-up on Gabrielle's face. She looks alarmed.

GABRIELLE (shouts over the noise of the battle):


Pan to Xena. She falls to the ground, face down, brought down by a blow to the back from a Visigoth's club. As she starts to scramble to her feet, another Visigoth kicks her in the chest twice; she staggers and reels back, and another kick causes her to fall backwards.

Pan to Gabrielle as she runs desperately toward Xena.

GABRIELLE (screams):

The Visigoths surround Xena, blocking her from view. One of them raises his sword and brings it down. Xena's cry of pain is heard.

Gabrielle screams and runs faster.


Ares materializes next to the Visigoths who have surrounded Xena. With a roar of rage, he throws a fireball, killing two of the Visigoths and causing the others to scatter in terror. Ares throws more fireballs after them.

Shouts of panic are heard among the Visigoths:
     --They've got a god on their side!
     --He'll kill us all!

The Visigoths start running.


Eve and Zenobia stop fighting, their attention drawn by the commotion. Eve sees Ares and looks worried. Close-up on Eve.


EVE (whispers):

Eve races toward where Xena is. Zenobia does not pursue her but stands in one spot, looking after her.


Gabrielle and Ares bending over Xena.


She is unconscious and covered with blood. There is a large bleeding gash in her side just beneath the armor, and another wound in her chest.

GABRIELLE (terrified):

Ares kneels down and brushes the messy, bloodied hair off Xena's face.

ARES (quietly):
     I'm not going to lose you.

The camera pulls back to show Haimon standing behind Gabrielle, looking concerned. Eve runs up to them, out of breath.

     Is she--

     She'll be all right, she has to be all right!

EVE (almost crying):

Nymphidius comes running toward them.

     What's going on?

     Xena's badly hurt.

Pan to Xena. She moans slightly and her eyelids flutter but she does not regain consciousness.

     Livia--come on! Something's made them panic--right now, we've got them on the run. It may be our only chance to push them back. We need you out there!

Eve looks torn.

HAIMON (to Eve):
     Go on--we'll take care of her.

Eve walks off with Nymphidius, pausing to cast an anguished look back.

Ares and Xena

Ares picks up the still-unconscious Xena in his arms and stands up, his face grim. He disappears with Xena in a flash of light as we:



[The average life expectancy of Roman emperors continued to decline during the production of this motion picture.]

Xena: Warrior Princess
Shipper Seasons
Season 9

Episode 3
What Separates Us I

Story By: Aurora and Ryan
Written By: Aurora and LadyKate
Edited By: LadyKate and Ryan
Collage By: Aurora
Images Gathered By: Aurora


XenaLucy Lawless
GabrielleRenee O'Connor
Eve/LiviaAdrienne Wilkinson
Kevin Smith
HaimonMichael Vartan
VirgilWilliam Gregory Lee
ZenobiaGina Torres
NymphidusTony Wood
AlaricGerard Butler
KlymeneHilary Duff
MyopiSamantha Housden
VespasianDerek Jacobi
OrpheliaGlenis Levestam

Original Airdate

March 8, 2005

The average life expectancy of Roman emperors continued to decline during the production of this motion picture.


All characters and storylines that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess are a copyright and trademark of Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No infringement was intended during the writing of this script. All original characters and storylines are a copyright of the respective authors and of the Shipper Seasons. No script may be reproduced on a website elsewhere without the author's consent.

© Shipper Seasons





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