8.19 Promised Land



On the centaurs at the front lines of the Tanagra army.

YOUNG CENTAUR (excitedly):
     Did you see the gateway?

PHOTIOS (nods gravely):
     I did.

YOUNG CENTAUR #2 (vehemently):
     Photios--they say that no other centaurs have been seen in this area!

PHOTIOS (nods gravely):
     I know.

     Then the child isn't here!

     She will be.

     And what if she isn't? We may fight this battle for nothing!

PHOTIOS (passionately):
     What would you have us do? Turn around and walk away?

The other centaurs continue arguing, their voices fading as the camera pulls away. The camera pans over the hill and starts to zoom in on the Delian camp, which we now see is bustling with activity as the soldiers get ready for the battle.


Xena and Ares on the riverbank.

     So now, they're allied with the centaurs and they're about the go into battle. That's about it. (off Xena's bitter stare) I was going to tell you.

XENA (sighs):
     I believe you...

ARES (exasperated):
     Xena, look--

     Yeah. You're the God of War and it's what you do. I know. (She gets up briskly and pulls on her leather tunic, then starts to put on a boot, turning to look at Ares) You're taking us there.

She finishes putting on her boots and strides resolutely away. The camera pulls back to show her marching toward Xenan and Nika's house, a short distance away.

ARES (looks after her and sighs):
     I am so whipped. (He shakes his head and grins)


An overhead shot of the two armies separated by the hill. The Tanagra army with the centaurs is waiting at the bottom of the hill. On the other side, the Delian army is marching toward the hillside. We cross-cut between the commander in black riding at the head of his troops, and the commander in red and Photius waiting at the bottom on the hill on the other side.


A small clearing in a grove. Medium close-up on a rabbit munching on grass. The rabbit suddenly freezes as the air crackles and then erupts in blue light. Xenan materializes in the clearing; he is holding Borias in his arms, while Nika, holding her baby, sits on his back. As Nika jumps down, a squeal is heard and the camera pans down to show that she's landed right on top of Gabrielle.


There is another "whoosh" and burst of blue light; Argo appears next to them, neighing and stamping her foot; then, Lykia and Darion, and Lysippe with her baby in her arms. Lykia has a tight grip on Darion's hand; she looks dizzy.

DARION (tugs on her sleeve, laughing):
     Wasn't that great?

Quick pan to Gabrielle (her horse next to her) as she whips around to stare at Ares, the blue light fading around him.

     Where's Xena?

Even as she speaks, there's another flash of blue. Xena materializes, knocking down Ares and landing on top of him.

XENA (growls):
     You did that on purpose!

ARES (smirks):
     Well--there's gotta be something in it for me...

Xena can't help grinning as she rolls off him. Ares scrambles to his feet, then holds out his hand to her in an exaggeratedly gallant gesture. Xena stares at him for a moment, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth; then she takes his hand and gets up, making a small bow to Ares before letting go of his hand.

DARION (runs over to Ares, excited):
     Hey--thanks for letting me come along!

GABRIELLE (looks around, pointing her finger as she counts heads):
     All right--everyone's here. (she looks at Ares, smirking a little) I can't even imagine how I'm going to describe that in my scroll...

ARES (in mock indignation):
     You so much as mention this and you're toast.

     All right. I've got a battle to stop. (to Gabrielle and the others) You wait here--I'll be back soon.

She mounts Argo and gallops toward the sparse grove at the edge of the clearing.

Ares looks after her, then turns to Gabrielle.

     Well--I think my work here is done. (He folds his arms on his chest and stands up straight, getting ready to disappear)

     You could always give us a ride back to our village. That would be fun!

     Sure, kid. But you'll owe me. Big time.

GABRIELLE (gasps and grabs Darion in a protective hug, glaring at Ares):
     Don't you even--

Ares smirks at her and vanishes with a "whoosh" and a flash of light.


The Tanagra troops and the centaurs in the field at the bottom of the hill, looking at the hilltop. The front ranks of the Delian troops, with the commander and the officers at the head of the army, appear on the hilltop. The camera pulls closer as the commander in black signals a stop, staring ahead of him.

Pan to the front ranks of the Tanagra troops and the centaurs, then back to the Delian troops.

COMMANDER IN BLACK (to one of his officers):
     They've got reinforcements from centaurs!

     We can't win this one!

     We have no choice but to go into battle. We can't turn and run. Let us pray that we still have the favor of my lord Ares.

The camera zooms out as the Delian army advances. The Tanagra army and the centaurs prepare to charge, waiting for the commander's word.

XENA (off-screen):

The camera pans to the commander in black, then the commander in red, then Photios as they whip around to look at Xena, who is galloping toward them.

OFFICER (standing next to the commander in red, shocked):
     Who's that?

COMMANDER IN RED (clenches his jaw):
     I think it's Xena.

PHOTIOS (shoots him a shocked look):
     The legendary Warrior Princess?

The two armies stand still, waiting tensely, as Xena rides up to the commander in red and Photios.


XENA (fixes him with her steely gaze):
     That's me. (to Photios) Are you the leader of these centaurs?

     I am. My name is Photios. (The tone of his voice is slightly edgy and defiant) What's your business with me?

     I know about the gateway.

PHOTIOS (flinches):

     What does it matter? After all the centaurs who died by human hands, Photios, don't you think it's time to end it? (Photios nods slowly) Come with me--we'll talk to the Delians' commander.

     She's leading you into a trap!

XENA (to the commander, with a chilly smile):
     No. You are. (Shakes her head as the commander reaches for his sword) Trust me--you don't want to do that.

Photios walks over to Xena and stands by her side; he is joined by the other centaurs. The commander in red looks at them, realizing his defeat. He turns to his troops.

     Stand back.

The camera zooms in slowly on Xena and Photios as they ride toward the hill.

     Photios--I have something else to tell you. (off his expectant, slightly suspicious look) My friends and I have the girl child.

PHOTIOS (momentarily speechless, a flash of joy in his face):
     I can't believe it! Is she--is she with another centaur tribe?

XENA (a shadow of sadness coming across her face):
     Not exactly.

The camera pulls back to show Xena and Photios, followed by the other centaurs, ride up to the front ranks of the Delian troops. The commander and the officers wait for them tensely, obviously ready to strike. The camera zooms in again as Xena and Photios approach the commander in black.

     We have no fight with you. All we want is passage to the gateway. (He points at the fog)

The commander looks at him, relief evident in his face.


Gabrielle, Xenan, and the rest waiting in the clearing. Darion and Borias are running around the clearing. Lysippe is sitting on the grass, lost in thought; Baby Gabrielle, now out of swaddling cloths, is next to her. The baby giggles and reaches toward a butterfly that flits by.

GABRIELLE (looks at the baby, smiling):
     A centaur homeland... I can't believe it's actually about to happen.

XENAN (walks up to Lysippe):

LYSIPPE (looks up, startled out of her reverie):

     Look--if you don't want to come with us, I'll understand. I promise we'll take good care of--

LYSIPPE (shakes her head):
     No, it's all right. I know it won't be easy--living as a human in a world of centaurs. (Quick pan to Nika, who looks very uncomfortable and lowers her eyes) But my daughter is a centaur--and my place is with her. (sighs) I'll always miss my husband--but I can't go back to him. I can't go back to my village. I'll never belong there now. They will never see me as one of them. (The camera pans over to Nika, who looks even more distressed, and then to a very thoughtful-looking Lykia.) I'll come with you.

XENAN (smiles at her):
     I'm sure you won't regret it.


XENAN (turns around and sees her distressed look):
     What's wrong?

     What about my daughter and me?

XENAN (taken aback):
     What do you mean? You are my wife--she is my daughter. The centaurs will welcome you in their midst.

NIKA (bitterly):
     Are you sure? Do you think the centaurs can't hate and fear those who are different from them?

XENAN (kneels by her side and puts a hand on her shoulder):
     You are both a part of the centaur bloodline. I'm sure--


NIKA (shakes her head):
     I'm sorry, Xenan. I know I shouldn't say this. This is a chance for you to go back to the land of your ancestors--you and Borias. It's just that--I have to leave the land of my ancestors forever. My mother's land, where you and I made our home. (tears well in her eyes) I didn't even have a chance to visit my parents' graves--or to say good-by to Dora, my nurse who raised me as if I were her own child... (she shakes her head) I'm sorry. I'm being very selfish--after what my father did to the centaurs, I have no right to stand in the way of--

XENAN (gently but firmly):
     No. Don't ever blame yourself for what your father did.

Tears streaming down her face, Nika kisses him.

The camera pulls back to show Xena riding into the clearing.

     Come on. The way is clear.

Xenan looks up at her thoughtfully.


The centaurs--now joined by some centaur boys--are standing in the field, in front of the veil of fog.

     There they are!

The camera pans over to show Xena and Gabrielle riding toward them; Lysippe and her baby are riding with Xena, Lykia and Darion with Gabrielle. Xenan is carrying Nika and her baby on his back and Borias in his arms. As they approach and stop, Lysippe dismounts and somewhat hesitantly walks up to Photios, carrying her baby. Nika, with her baby, steps down as well, and Xenan puts down Borias. The camera zooms in on Lysippe as she walks up to Photios.

PHOTIOS (gasps joyfully):
     The child! This is the child!

LYSIPPE (shyly but proudly):
     Her name is Gabrielle.

Baby Gabrielle

PHOTIOS (carefully takes the baby from her hands and holds her up):
     Gabrielle. You will lead us to a new world. (The other centaurs cheer as Photios turns to Lysippe) What is your name?


     Lysippe. You will always be honored among the centaurs.

A close-up on Lysippe. She smiles, but her smile is tinged with some sadness.

     To open the gateway, one of us must walk into the fog carrying the child. As her mother--do you want to do it?

LYSIPPE (after a moment's silence):

     There will be no way back for you to this world.

     I know. (lowers her eyes for a moment, then looks up) I accept it.

     Then lead the way. (hands the child back to Lysippe)

Lysippe takes the child and walks toward the fog, then stops and turns around.

     Xena--Gabrielle...thank you for everything you've done for me.

     Good luck, Lysippe.

     You're doing the right thing. (smiles) Good-bye, Lysippe.

LYSIPPE (after a moment's hesitation):
     Can you do me another favor?

     Of course.

     If you ever pass through my village... (her voice falters a little and a wistful look comes over her face) ...tell Phillamon that--I hope he has a good life.

GABRIELLE (nods gravely):
     I understand. Don't worry--we will.

     Thank you. (holds up the baby) I'll always have Gabrielle to remember you by.

Close-up on Gabrielle, who smiles, her smile tinged with a little sadness.

Lysippe turns and walks into the fog as the centaurs watch tensely. As she does, the fogs opens up and turns into a transparent veil of mist through which one can see a beautiful field on the other side, and a group of centaurs--male and female--waiting.

Centaur World

PHOTIOS (reverently):
     Our world!

Lysippe walks through the mist, which ripples as she crosses the gateway. One by one, the centaurs of Photios' tribe follow her, until Photios is the only one who remains. Photios turns toward Xenan, who stands a few paces away with Nika and Borias at his side. Xenan is holding Nika's hand.

PHOTIOS (to Xenan):
     What about you?

The camera zooms in on the portal to show the centaurs waiting on the other side, then pans toward Xenan.

XENAN (stares at Photios, his face reflecting an inner struggle):
     I'm not going.

XENA (looks at him in shock):

     My place is here--with my human wife and my daughter--

     They would be welcome in our world. Here, you and your son will always be outcasts.

XENAN (shakes his head):
     No. No, it doesn't have to be that way. There are many people in this world who have learned to accept those who-- (glances at Nika) --are different from them. We can live together in peace.

NIKA (through tears):
     Xenan--you don't have to do this for me--

XENAN (squeezes her hand):
     But I want to. One of us has to give up their ancestors' world. There's no reason it has to be you. And besides, this was my mother's world too. I have as much of a right to be here as (sweeps his arm to indicate Xena, Gabrielle and the other humans) they do.

PHOTIOS (coldly):
     It's your choice. Just remember that once the gateway closes, it will be forever.

XENAN (nods):
     I understand. (looks lovingly at Nika and the baby) I've made my decision.

     And what about your son?

     When he grows up--I know he'll understand too.

Photios shrugs; then he walks up to Xena and extends his hand.

     The centaur nation thanks you.

XENA (grips his hand and shakes it):
     It was the least I could do.

Photios walks toward the gateway. Before walking through the mist, he turns and looks reproachfully at Xenan but says nothing.

     Even though I'm not joining my brothers--our homeland will always be in my heart.

Photios nods mutely, then turns and walks through the gateway. Medium close-up on Xenan and his family, who stand still watching the gateway, Xenan and Nika still holding hands. Xena, Gabrielle, Lykia and Darion stand behind them.

The fog thickens so that the gateway can no longer be seen; then it starts to crackle with energy, swirls, and dissipates so quickly that in a few moments it's impossible to tell it was even there.

The tense silence is broken by Darion, who comes up to Xenan and looks at him, smiling.

     Hey, I'm really glad you stayed. You have to come to our village and visit someday. (grins) Can you imagine the looks on the other kids' faces?

XENAN (looks at him a moment with a warm but bittersweet smile, obviously pondering his reply):

Pan over to Lykia, who seems to be lost in thought. Then she turns abruptly toward Xena and Gabrielle.

     I don't want to go back.

GABRIELLE (shocked):

     I don't belong in my village anymore. I'm not really one of them now...now that they know I've been a slave in Rome...and besides--

She trails off and tosses her head, as if trying to chase away memories. Pan to Xena, who looks at her with grim understanding.

     But Lykia--it's your home. Where else will you go?


     The Amazons. I-- (glances at Darion) --we could stay with them. Couldn't we?

GABRIELLE (looks at her and at Darion, conflicted):
     We'll--have to talk about that.

Pan to Xena, who is listening intently to something.

     What is it?

     Do you hear that?

GABRIELLE (frowns in puzzlement):
     Hear what?

In the distance, sounds of shouting voices and clashing swords are heard.

XENA (grimly):


Xena and Gabrielle, on their horses, at the hilltop. Pan to a long shot of the field below, where the two armies are locked in a ferocious battle. The camera zooms in slowly to pan over the battlefield. A soldier in black armor is run through with a sword and falls down with a guttural cry; a soldier in red and a soldier in black spar briefly and then the soldier in red falls, his eyes bulging; a mace-wielding hand in a black gauntlet comes down and then goes up again, the mace now bloodied; a riderless horse rears up and neighs in terror.

The camera pulls back to close in on Xena and Gabrielle, who look sadly at the carnage. Xena makes to ride downhill but Gabrielle reaches out to put a hand on her arm.

     Xena--it's too late. You can't stop it.

XENA (turns, a look of determination on her face):
     I can try.

GABRIELLE (shakes her head sadly):
     You can't stop every war.


XENA (her look turning to anguish):
     You're right. I can't.

She looks out at the battlefield for a moment, her posture rigid.

GABRIELLE (gently):
     Let's get out of here.


The field where the gateway was before. One of the nearly-empty army camps is visible in the distance. The camera closes in on the small group in the field. Lykia and Darion are sitting on the ground.

     I think it would be really cool if we could live with the Amazons. You remember Klymene, right? She's a lot of fun.

LYKIA (smiles a little):

DARION (suddenly concerned):
     We're going to stop by our house and pick up all my toys, right? (gasps a bit as if he's just remembered something and turns toward Borias, who is nearby, poking a stick at something on the ground that has his attention) He's gotta see my toys! You know, the dragon, the chakram...

Pan to Xena and Gabrielle, who are riding toward them at a slow trot.

Pan to Xenan and Nika; he is leaning down to kiss her.

XENAN (straightens up):
     Let's go home.

Pan back to Xena and Gabrielle.

GABRIELLE (smiles):
     It's beautiful, isn't it? The way true love can overcome all differences...

XENA (reflectively):
     Sometimes it can...

The camera pulls back to show the entire group in the field as we:



[The mystery of centaur biology was solved during the production of the motion picture.]

Xena: Warrior Princess
Shipper Seasons
Season 8

Episode 19
Promised Land

Story By: Aurora
Written By: Aurora and LadyKate
Edited By: Tango
Collage By: Aurora
Images Gathered By: Aurora


XenaLucy Lawless
GabrielleRenee O'Connor
Kevin Smith
DarionAlexander Gandar
LykiaKatrina Brownie
XenanHarmish Hector-Taylor
NikaKatrina Devine
LysippeDanice Huston
BoriasTom Sermon
PhillamonJason Yells

Original Airdate

December 24, 2003

The mystery of centaur biology was solved during the production of the motion picture.


All characters and storylines that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess are a copyright and trademark of Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No infringement was intended during the writing of this script. All original characters and storylines are a copyright of the respective authors and of the Shipper Seasons. No script may be reproduced on a website elsewhere without the author's consent.

© Shipper Seasons





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