8.18 Who Let the Dog Out?



Xena and Gabrielle are riding through the countryside--a hilly green valley with some sparse trees. The camera zooms in. They are talking, their conversation still inaudible, both of them looking happy and relaxed.

Suddenly Xena pulls Argo to a halt and stops and listens. Gabrielle stops as well.

XENA (whispering to Gabrielle):
     You hear that?

GABRIELLE (frowns):

A distant noise is heard; it sounds like screams.

Xena kicks the stirrups and rides forward.


Gabrielle rides fast behind her.


Xena and Gabrielle bring their horses to a halt on the top of a hill. Down below a village can be seen. People can be seen running around frantically; some houses are burning or smoldering.

GABRIELLE (sighing):
     Another day in the life...

XENA (kicking the stirrups):

Xena rides down the hill.


Xena and Gabrielle ride into the village to survey a scene of chaos. Many huts are caved in or seriously damaged; people are putting out fires; household utensils, bread loaves and fruit are scattered on the ground, as well as broken clay pots; many villagers look bruised and scratched.

MIDDLE-AGED MAN (standing near a collapsed hut):
     I found her! She's here!

Several people rush toward him. Xena and Gabrielle dismount and join them as well. A faint cry of "Help!" is heard from under the wreck. The villagers start pushing the broken boards away, with Xena and Gabrielle helping them. Finally a young woman is pulled out from the rubble. She looks frightened and bruised.

     Thank the gods--you're all right!

     Is anyone badly hurt?

     I don't think so.

Xena looks around.

     What happened here?

GABRIELLE (sadly):
     Come on, Xena, do you really need to ask?


A montage--scenes of villages being attacked.

clips of villages being attacked

GABRIELLE (voice-over):
     It's not like we haven't seen this scenario many times before...


Close-up of the face of a terrified-looking old woman in the crowd of villagers.

     It was a d-d-d-d-d-dog!

GABRIELLE (shocked):
     I take that back. (shakes her head) A dog? Well, that's--original.

XENA (skeptical):
     A dog. How big was this dog?

Gabrielle can't help but snicker, getting cold stares from the villagers.

GABRIELLE (holding back laughter):
     I'm sorry, it's just... (she looks around, surveying the damage) ...it's hard to believe that a dog could do something like this.

     But it was huge!

All of the villagers start to nod, using their hands and arms to show how massive the dog was.

OLD WOMAN (piping in):
     And don't forget the three heads!

All of the villagers nod and begin talking over each other.

XENA (frowns):
     Three heads?


meeting Horace clips

meeting Horace clips


Xena and Gabrielle are staring at the villagers.

XENA (still skeptical):
     So you're saying that a giant three-headed dog attacked your village...

All of the villagers nod and talk over each other again.

     Did it breathe fire?

     Really, now! That's quite an imagination you've got... (laughs again, shaking his head) Breathing fire...

The camera pulls back to show Xena smirking.

XENA (sarcastically):
     Yeah--come on Gabrielle, breathing fire? Where do you come up with this stuff? (serious) All right now back to the three-headed dog.

MALE VILLAGER (oblivious to her sarcasm):
     Well, you see, it was just this morning--everyone was going on with their daily business and all of a sudden this giant dog comes barging into the village--

OLD WOMAN (piping in):
     I saw it, it was chasing a cat!

     It just plowed through everything in its path--even the houses! We had nothing to defend ourselves with! It was such a massive beast...

Xena and Gabrielle exchange puzzled looks.

GABRIELLE (quietly):
     You really think this story is true?

VOICE (off-screen):
     Yes, it is.

Xena whips around abruptly and draws her sword. At the point of her sword, there is a flash of orange light. Then, a black-clad figure materializes. The camera pulls back to show that it's Hades, God of the Underworld.

HADES (smiles thinly):
     Hello, Xena.

XENA (narrows her eyes at him suspiciously):
     Hades. I take it you have something to do with this?

Hades smiles a bit sheepishly as we: