8.16 Judgment Calls



Agrippina's house on the island. Xena and Agrippina are sitting at a table with a meal in front of them. A grim-looking Xena is absent-mindedly picking up pieces of meat from her plate.

     So he hasn't relented...and he's repeating those horrible lies about me. (Shakes her head ruefully, then gives Xena a penetrating look and speaks bitterly) One of these days, you will believe him too.

XENA (interrupts, looking up sharply):
     Agrippina--I trust you. (her look and her voice softens) You earned my trust a long time ago--when I saw you risk your life to help the people in Pompeii. (she pushes her half-empty plate away and rises from the table) I've promised to protect you and I will. I have to get you out of here--as far away from Rome as possible.

AGRIPPINA (blurts out):
     And leave the empire to him? (Xena gives her a startled look and Agrippina stumbles a bit) I mean...leave him in power--when it has become so obvious that he will put that power to ill use?

     First things first. As long as you stay here, you're in danger. I can't stay here forever and--

There is a noise outside. Xena looks toward the door, instantly alert; Agrippina rises from the table, obviously nervous.

     What's happening?

     Stay here.

As she heads toward the door, the door is flung open. The female slave who let Xena into the house rushes in.

SLAVE (excited):
     My lady--it's from your son!

AGRIPPINA (wary but hopeful):
     What? (pauses) Is he calling me back?

SLAVE (deflated):
     No--no, my lady. But he's sent you twenty-five of your favorite slaves... (quick pan to Xena, who winces slightly) ...and also two horses and a lot of books from your library.

AGRIPPINA (with bitter sarcasm):
     So Nero wants to make sure his mother doesn't get too bored in her exile. (To Xena) Have you ever seen such a devoted son? (turns to the slave with a sigh) My slaves...is Doria with them?

     Yes, my lady. They're all waiting to greet you.

     All right. Xena--we'll talk about this later.

Xena nods and looks pensively after Agrippina as she heads for the door.


Outside the house. A group of male and female slaves, seen from the back, is waiting outside. The door opens and Agrippina comes out on the porch. The slaves start to kneel; one of them, a gray-haired man, nudges a young woman next to him who remains on her feet, and she kneels as well.

     Get up, get up! I'm happy to see you all.


The docks in Ostia. Late afternoon. The camera pans over a bustling, noisy crowd; then we see Gabrielle, wearing a hooded cloak and holding Darion by the hand. As she walks briskly, she looks around as if to make sure she isn't being followed. She approaches a few sailors who are standing around talking.

     I need a boat to Bauli. As quickly as possible.

SAILOR (looks her over skeptically):
     As quickly as possible? That'll be fifteen dinars.

GABRIELLE (indignantly):
     Fifteen-- (she looks around and notices a man who seems to be watching her with a little too much interest; then she sighs, defeated) All right. But we leave right now.


A room in Nero's palace. Nero paces back and forth restlessly, touching the strings of a lyre and muttering to himself in a sing-song. A nervous-looking slave approaches him; Nero stops and looks at him sharply. With his back to the camera, the slave leans toward Nero and says something inaudible.

Nero's stare grows blank and he resumes pacing around the room.

NERO (mutters):
     Gabrielle is gone...


The garden of Agrippina's house. A moonlit night. Xena strolls through the garden and walks out through the garden gate. She walks across a field toward some rocks that turn out to be a high cliff over the sea. She sits down and looks out into the distance, obviously lost in thought. After a moment there is a flash of light and Ares materializes sitting next to her. She glances at him but remains silent.

     Can't sleep? (Xena looks at him and says nothing) So...starting to have doubts?

XENA (brusquely):
     About what?

     About your friend. About what you're doing here.

XENA (defensively):
     I'm not.


Agrippina's bedroom. Agrippina is in bed, asleep. A small oil lamp burns on the table by her bed. A dark figure approaches the bed and raises a knife over her.


Xena and Ares on the cliff.


     It's a power struggle between two crazy Romans. You know how that usually ends.


The temple of Claudius, empty and lit by torches. Nero walks in, looking around him.

NERO (with a chilly smile):
     No, Mother...Rome isn't big enough for the two of us. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. (grins slyly) Enjoy your slaves.


Agrippina's bedroom. The knife comes down, gleaming in the moonlight.

Quick pan to Agrippina's face as her eyes fly open and she gives a strangled cry.


Xena looks sharply at Ares and gets up.

     I promised to protect her. And I will.


The temple of Claudius. Nero picks up a torch, walks over and sets fire to the wreaths in front of the statue, then flings the torch at some draperies, which instantly catch fire.


Agrippina's bedroom. The hand with the bloodied knife goes up and then down again.

The camera pans down to show Agrippina, the front of her nightgown spattered with blood, feebly raising her hands in an attempt to defend herself.


Nero walks out of the temple, the glow of the fire visible behind him.


Xena walks back to the house.


A close-up of Agrippina. Her head lolls to the side, her eyes closing as she groans hoarsely and blood trickles from her mouth.


Xena walks inside the house and stops in the main room, lit by several oil lamps. A sound catches her attention--it's Agrippina's groan. She stands still for a moment and then rushes toward the bedroom door.


Agrippina's room. Xena pushes the door open and sees Agrippina kneeling on the floor, covered in blood. Gasping, she rushes toward her and kneels next to her.



AGRIPPINA (with an effort):
     Xena...he did it.

XENA (her face full of horror and anguish):
     Let me look at your wounds--

     No, it's too late... (coughs) It's funny...the girl who did it...he gave her to me. (she coughs again, blood trickling from her mouth) She looked so much--like...Doria...my girl who died... (groans a little) He got her in one of those raids they did--in a Greek village...

XENA (looks at her in shock):
     Wait...how do you know that?

AGRIPPINA (grips Xena's hand):
     I knew all along...I'm sorry, Xena. I lied to you.

XENA (slowly):
     You knew that your son led a gang of thugs who sacked villages and kidnapped girls--and you made him the Emperor of Rome? (with a touch of anger) With my help?

     That's not all. Xena--I don't have much time... I need to get this off my chest...before I die.

Xena stares at her, appalled.

     I lied to you about Claudius, too...he never sent assassins after me...Domitius and I--

XENA (shakes her head):
     I--I don't believe you--you're delirious--

AGRIPPINA (feebly lifts a hand to silence her):
     Let me speak...please. Domitius and I--we set it all up...to get you to help us. (she closes her eyes, exhausted, and opens them again) And those letters about Claudius and Drusus--the plan to... (she coughs) ...invade Britannia... (she coughs again) ...forged by--his advisor...Narcissus--he was working with me...

XENA (shakes her head):

     I killed Claudius. (Pan to Xena's horrified face) I was giving him a slow poison--when I was exiled...and then, Narcissus...

Xena stares at her silently, tears in her eyes, obviously torn between grief and anger.

AGRIPPINA (clutches her hand tighter):
     Xena...tell me you forgive me...that way I can die in peace...

Xena looks at her grimly and remains silent.

AGRIPPINA (smiles feebly):
     We would have made a great team. (coughs) I just wish--

She slumps forward and her head drops; she's dead. Xena stares silently at her body, tears rolling down her face.


Steps are heard and Xena looks up sharply. A slave girl stops in the doorway; she is slender and of medium height, wearing a long dark dress. Her face remains hidden in the shadows.

     What happened?

XENA (stares blankly, her voice hollow):
     She's dead. She's--she's been murdered. (She drops her head in her hands) She's dead.

SLAVE GIRL (with sudden vehemence):
     Well, don't expect me to cry over her! I hate them all--all the Romans! (She chuckles bitterly) You know--her son gave me to her as a present--because I looked like her favorite slave who had died. (Xena looks up at her sharply, realization crossing her face) Just like--replacing a favorite cat or dog. He took me from my village--killed my family... (points to Agrippina's body) She knew about it--and she thanked him!

Xena puts Agrippina's body down on the floor, then gets up wordlessly and walks past the girl.

The camera follows Xena as she walks through the house and toward the front door. In the background, we see the slave girl follow her into the main room.

Xena opens the door and comes out on the porch. Coming toward her are Gabrielle (no longer wearing her cloak) and Darion. Xena steps off the porch and stops.

XENA (grimly):
     You're back.

     I don't like it in Rome anymore, Xena. I don't want to go there ever again.

Xena looks at Gabrielle.

     Xena? Listen--you were right--

XENA (heavily, her face rigid and expressionless):
     No. I was wrong. We both were.

GABRIELLE (looks at her, confused):
     What are you talking about?

Xena glances cautiously at Darion, clearly not wanting to speak in front of him. Gabrielle picks up on this and touches his shoulder.

     Darion--sweetie, go sit down over there, okay?

Darion nods and walks toward the porch. Gabrielle waits until he is out of earshot.

     Xena--the raids on the villages--Agrippina was telling the truth about Do- (she stumbles) about Nero--

     Yeah, I know. And he was telling the truth about her. It's true. All of it.

GABRIELLE (stares in disbelief):
     What? (she suddenly notices the dark stains on Xena's hands and her eyes widen) What happened?

     Agrippina's dead.

Gabrielle is about to say something but suddenly notices that Darion is walking into the house through the open door.

GABRIELLE (horrified):
     Oh no--her body--I don't want him to--

She rushes after Darion. Xena looks after her for a moment, then turns and walks toward the garden gate.


Inside the house. Darion walks into the main room, looking around. The slave girl who spoke to Xena is still standing there, motionless. A close-up on Darion's face as his eyes widen.

DARION (uncertainly):
     Lykia? (he pauses as the camera pulls back to show Gabrielle coming in) You--you're here?


Pan to the slave girl, who stands frozen in shock, staring at him.

LYKIA (whispers):

DARION (shock giving way to joy):
     Lykia--you're here!


He rushes toward her and wraps his arms tightly around her waist, hugging her. Lykia hugs him but the look on her face is still numb.


Xena is walking toward the cliff where she spoke to Ares before. She stops at the top of the cliff and stands still for a moment, her silhouette sharp and black in the moonlight. She takes off her sword, throws it down on the rocky ground at her feet, and then after a moment's reflection kicks it off the edge of the cliff. A faint clanging sound is heard as it hits the rocks below.

Xena (facing the camera) unhooks the chakram from her belt and throws it. The camera follows the chakram, zooming in on it as it gleams in the moonlight and starts to fall, then pulling back as it sinks into the foaming waves below--a shot that merges with a close-up of Xena's anguished face as we:

chakram in water



[The chickens came home to roost during the production of this motion picture.]

Xena: Warrior Princess
Shipper Seasons
Season 8

Episode 16
Judgment Calls

Story By: LadyKate and Sais 2 Cool
Written By: LadyKate and Sais 2 Cool
Collage By: Aurora
Images Gathered By: Aurora


XenaLucy Lawless
GabrielleRenee O'Connor
Kevin Smith
DarionAlexander Gandar
LykiaKatrinia Brownie
AgrippinaAnjelica Huston
NeroHans Matheson
SabinaJennifer Garner

Original Airdate

August 24, 2003

The chickens came home to roost during the production of this motion picture.


All characters and storylines that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess are a copyright and trademark of Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No infringement was intended during the writing of this script. All original characters and storylines are a copyright of the respective authors and of the Shipper Seasons. No script may be reproduced on a website elsewhere without the author's consent.

© Shipper Seasons





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