8.10 Troubled Faces



Resor's camp. We see several tents pitched, two with guards, although they are some distance from each other. One is bigger and grander than the other and we watch it for a second.


Resor and Virgil, in Resor's tent. They are arguing.

     Look, Resor, I don't think you're doing the right thing here! Whatever it is, if you won't tell me anything about it, it can't be something I'm going to like. I know you too well.

     I told you--it's just a surprise.

     There are no good surprises in your line of work.

     You might be my cousin, Virgil, but you aren't my keeper. If you don't like it, tough luck.


     You know who you remind me of right now? (off Resor's wary look) Your father. I remember hearing him and Dad arguing a lot like this once. You and I hid upstairs because your dad was scaring you.

     I'm not my father.

     Not yet. But if you carry on doing this, one day you'll look in the mirror and see Jett, not Resor.

     You don't know what you're talking about.

Before Virgil can respond, Cyrus enters the tent.

     Sir--we've got her. She came with no trouble this time.

RESOR (smiles):

     We didn't see her mother or the blonde.

Virgil looks shocked.

     Well, as long as we have Livia, the rest doesn't matter so much.

Virgil is stunned; clearly a lot of thoughts are running through his head at once.

     You mean Xena's daughter?

RESOR (smiles):
     I told you it was a surprise. The bitch that murdered Joxer...now she'll pay for it.

VIRGIL (disbelieving):
     You mean you're planning to kill her?

RESOR (sarcastic):
     No, throw her a party. What did you think?

VIRGIL (not impressed):
     I thought you didn't buy into violence. You used to tell me you wanted to be just like Dad.

     What can I say? I've had second thoughts. Sure, Joxer's way of living was--admirable. (Virgil rolls his eyes at the formal turn of phrase) But sometimes, being the good guy just isn't practical.

Virgil shakes his head.

     I'm going to avenge my uncle...are you going to help me or not?

     You know, I was wrong. (Resor nods, obviously pleased) You already are your father.

Close-up of Resor's shocked face.


Inside another tent. Eve is alone, bound by her wrists and ankles to a thick wooden pole sticking out of the ground in front of her. She listens out for a moment and we hear voices outside: her guards.

VOICE #1 (gleefully):
     My game. That's three times in a row I've beat you now.

Eve waits for a second and then starts trying to wriggle her hands out of her bonds. They are tightly tied though, and she fails. She pouts. She leans forward against the pole sadly and sighs.


The garden. It is now dark. Xena, Gabrielle and Orphelia are walking around.

XENA (looks around and calls out, uneasy):

ORPHELIA (calm):
     Don't worry, I'm sure she's all right. (pause) She used to love this garden. She would hide out here for hours on end--days, sometimes--and pretend she was a brave warrior fighting against villains. (chuckles)

Xena and Gabrielle exchange thoughtful, wistful looks.

     It's not like her to disappear for this long without telling us.

     She won't get into any trouble out here, she knows this garden like the back of her hand.

They have reached the oak tree Eve was at earlier by now.

GABRIELLE (notices the olive grove near the path by which Eve was taken away):
     You have a beautiful estate, Orphelia.

ORPHELIA (smiles):
     Thank you. I'm afraid I can't take much credit for it though, we have a few men who come in and tend to the olives and the vineyard.

     Really? Maybe we could try some of the wine later?

Xena has wandered off down the path and now comes back, her face grim. In her hand is Eve's hair-clip.

     What's that?

     It's Eve's.

Gabrielle and Orphelia both look shocked.

     What happened?

     That's what we're going to have to find out.

     But where is she? She can't have gone far.

     No, she can't. We'll find her.

ORPHELIA (stricken):
     B-but, she was here an hour ago. Who would have taken her? She wouldn't just wander off.

XENA (awkwardly soothing Orphelia):
     I don't know yet, but we'll find her.

Orphelia doesn't look reassured; she looks very upset.

     Don't worry...it'll be all right, we'll have her back before you know it.

On Xena, who looks typically determined.


Resor's camp. It's night and all is quiet. Eve is dozing in her tent, still bound.

She jerks awake at a noise outside, in time to see Virgil enter, closing the tent flap to block out most of the noise.

EVE (angry and surprised):
      Virgil? What are you doing here?

     Ssh, the guards are still outside. I wanted to talk to you.

     How did you get past them without being noticed?

VIRGIL (coming closer to her and speaking more quietly):
     There are perks in knowing the boss.


     Stay quiet, and I'll tell you. (Eve nods.) The leader, Resor--have you seen him yet?


     He's my cousin. (off Eve's incredulous "This just gets better and better" look) My dad had a brother named Jett, who wasn't the nicest guy in the world. Resor is his son. He was very close to me, he stayed over with us all the time. He really loved my dad.

EVE (bitterly):
     I can guess where this is leading. (she looks down at her bound feet stonily)

     So obviously he's happy to have me here. I wanted to have a word with you in private, so we can work on getting you out of here.

     Let him have me, if he wants me dead this badly.

VIRGIL (ignores this):
     Is Xena around?

EVE (sighs):
     She and Gabrielle are at my old family's villa. (slightly sarcastic) I take it you're going to go and find her?

VIRGIL (nods):
     I can come and go from here whenever I like without making anyone suspicious. I'm going to get her and Gabrielle and we'll get you out of here.

EVE (whispering forcefully):
      No. He has every right to want me dead, leave him to it. (sadly) I don't want to break up your family any more than I already have.

     I can work things out with him later, don't worry. It'll be fine.

     Why are you doing this? Putting me ahead of your family? Virgil, just leave, please.

     Even so, he's doing wrong by you. (changes subject) By the time we come back, be ready to get away. (Eve opens her mouth to protest but he beats her to it) I'm not giving you a choice. Be ready.

He leaves. Eve looks very doubtful.


The kitchen of the villa. Orphelia is standing at the table she pointed out to Eve earlier, with several jewelry boxes in front of her. She is sorting through them feverishly.

She picks up a diamond necklace and puts it in a pile with some other expensive-looking pieces.

ORPHELIA (muttering to herself):
     Maybe they'll take all this in exchange for her...

Xena and Gabrielle are standing a little way away, near the door, watching her. Xena is heading out somewhere.

     I won't be gone long, Gabrielle, don't worry. I want to see if I can find out where they've taken her.

     Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?

XENA (jerks her head towards Orphelia):
     No, stay here and make sure she stays calm. I don't think giving whoever has Eve some pretty jewelry will help much, but it can't hurt for her to have something to do other than worry.

     I think she really loves Eve.

     She's certainly nothing like Eve said she was. Losing her husband must have affected her a lot.

     I hope she and Eve get some time alone to catch up once we get her back. (Xena nods, pursing her lips; Gabrielle pauses and changes the subject) If they went to such a lot of trouble to get Eve, why would they give her up so easily?

XENA (worried):
     I don't know. It must have been quite an operation for them to get her though, and I don't know what they want yet. I hope she's okay.

There is a noise at the door. Xena and Gabrielle turn around suspiciously.

ORPHELIA (whispers):
     Is it them?

     Could be.

Orphelia grabs handfuls of her jewelry and gets behind the table. Xena reaches for her chakram, Gabrielle for her sais.

The door opens and Virgil enters. Xena and Gabrielle relax, although they are still surprised to see him. Gabrielle gives him a hug. Orphelia looks on.

GABRIELLE (smiling):
     Virgil! It's been a long time since we saw you.

     Yeah, I've been busy.

     You know, you have quite a sense of direction. (beckons Orphelia over) Guess who this is?

     Eve's adoptive mother?

Orphelia is stunned. Xena and Gabrielle exchange a curious glance.

     How did you know that?

     She isn't with you right now, is she?

XENA (slowly):
     No...she isn't here. Do you know where she is?

     You want the good news or the bad news first?

Gabrielle and Xena speak at the same time.



Virgil raises his eyebrows.


     I spoke to her earlier tonight. She told me where to find you.

     I take it that's the good news.

     She's been captured by a man named Resor. He's planning to kill her to avenge his uncle's murder.

Orphelia looks worriedly at Gabrielle.

     Where do you come in?

     Resor is my cousin.

Xena's eyebrows arch right up.

GABRIELLE (whispers):

     When Resor was little, he worshiped Dad. Then again, with Uncle Jett as the alternative, who wouldn't? When he heard about--what happened, he was beside himself. (lowers his eyes and sighs, then looks up) I hadn't seen him for a while--and then the next thing I know, he wants to kill Eve.


     Does he know you don't want him to hurt her?

     Yes...I told him he was turning into his father, the way he was going.

     Nothing else?


     How many men are there?

     Maybe twenty, twenty-five. Eve could fight her way out on her own...

GABRIELLE (looks at him understandingly):
     But she won't.

There is a silence.

XENA (briskly):
     Well then. We'll just have to get her out ourselves then, and worry about the rest later.

Pan to Orphelia, who looks distressed. She is playing with a gold chain she has been holding, obviously unhappy that her plans for ransom have all been in vain.

     I can come and go from the camp as I like, and I can talk to her whenever I want to--do you want me to give her a message?

XENA (glances out of the window at the dark sky):
     No, I want to see her myself. We have enough time before dawn. (to Orphelia and Gabrielle) You two stay here.

     Good luck.

Virgil and Xena leave.

Orphelia sits down at the table and puts her head in her hands. Gabrielle goes to her and puts her arm over her.

     It's going to be okay. I promise.


The moon in the night sky. Then pan down to Xena and Virgil riding through a forest.


Resor's camp. It's quiet and dark, except for a torch outside Eve's tent. Her two guards are playing a game of dice. The first guard rolls and smiles jubilantly; the second scowls and hands over a few coins.

     I'll get you next time, don't worry.

     Don't get your hopes up.

Guard #2 gathers up the dice and prepares to roll. We pan around to the side of the tent to see Xena crouched down, a large stone in her hand.

There is a muttered oath from Guard #2. Xena throws the stone towards a group of trees a little way away (where the front of the tent is not visible) and it lands with a thump.

We stay on Xena as we hear the guards hurry over to the trees. She waits for a second and slips inside the tent.


Inside the tent. Eve is dozing lightly but jerks awake as Xena enters.


Xena comes over to Eve quietly and covers her mouth with her hand.

XENA (whispering):
     Don't talk, the guards are probably back by now. Start untying yourself from there. (she takes a small knife out of her boot and presses it into Eve's hand)

She moves back over to the tent entrance. The guards look around at the noise and she slams a fist down on each of their foreheads. They fall to the ground and Xena props one up to look like he's still awake; the other will look asleep from a distance.

XENA (still quiet):
     We don't have much time. Virgil's gone to wake Resor up so everyone thinks he's been here all night, they should be turning up anytime now. Come on.

She turns around to see that Eve hasn't moved at all. The knife is on the floor by her hand.

     Then you need to get out of here before they come.

XENA (hissing exasperatedly):
     Eve, get moving!


Neither woman moves for a moment, but Xena scowls.

     Too late anyway, they're coming.

Eve glares down at her feet as Xena picks up the knife.

The tent flap opens wide to reveal Resor, Virgil and several other men behind them. Xena, Eve and Virgil's eyes widen as we: