8.03 Power Play



The same scene as before.

     Junius Drusus! Do you agree to accept the imperial crown? (holds up the golden wreath)

AGRIPPINA (off-camera):
     People of Rome! Hear me out!

The camera pans over to Agrippina, Domitius, Xena and Gabrielle, who are making their way through the forum. The crowd parts to let them through.

     -- It's Agrippina!
     -- Who?
     -- Agrippina, the Empress!
     -- The poisoner!
     -- Shut up!
     -- Let her through!
     -- Agrippina!

There are a few boos but they are soon drowned in a chorus of cheers. The camera pans up to the senators and Drusus who are standing at the top of the steps. They look alarmed.

Agrippina runs up the steps of the curia, stops midway to the top of the steps, and turns toward the crowd.

     Men and women of Rome! A year ago, I was smeared by my enemies and banished from this city because I dared to speak up on your behalf--

The crowd erupts in cheers.

     Seize that woman!

Two guards standing at the side of the steps rush toward Agrippina.

     And I am still here to speak on your behalf, even if they silence me forever--

Just as the guards are about to reach her, Xena gives her ululating battle cry, leaps in the air and, with several flips, catches up with the guards. She grabs them, knocks their heads together and pushes them down the steps. The crowd erupts in laughter. Three more guards start running up the steps, their swords drawn; Xena throws her chakram, which knocks the swords out of their hands; the impact knocks them off their feet and they tumble down, causing more laughter.

     -- It's Xena!
     -- She rid us of Caligula!
     -- Xena!

     Sorry 'bout the interruption. (to Agrippina) Please continue. (she walks down the steps under the curious stares of the crowd)

     Romans! My husband was a good emperor when he first started to rule. It's people like Junius Drusus who have misled him and pushed him to make decisions that would have led to the ruin of Rome! (the murmurs in the crowd grow louder and louder) Even now, as he prepares to become emperor, Drusus has a secret plan to invade Britannia.


He is drowned out by boos from the crowd.

     We already tried to conquer Britannia once, and it costs us thousands of Roman lives. Are you prepared to sacrifice more of your sons for a war meant only to satisfy an emperor's ambition?

CROWD (roars):

     Are you willing to pay for these wars out of your pockets?


A chant of "Agrippina! Agrippina!" goes up in the forum. The camera pans over the cheering crowd, with people pumping their fists in the air as they chant, and then up to the top of the steps.

SENATOR #5 (to one of the two guards standing at the door of the curia):
     Go bring out the full guard! Drusus, follow me!

The senators and Drusus retire hastily inside the curia and the doors are closed. The roar of the crowd becomes deafening as the people charge up the steps.

As the crowd led by Agrippina reaches the top of the steps and starts banging on the doors of the curia, dozens of Roman soldiers stream out onto the square and attack the people. There are screams, and the scene becomes chaotic.

The camera zooms in on Domitius and Gabrielle fighting next to each other.

     It's party time! Let's shout and dance! Play the music! Raise the roof!

GABRIELLE (glances at him, puzzled):

DOMITIUS (turns to her while sparring with a soldier):
     Don't you remember? It's from one of Euripides' tragedies--it's the lines of the chorus just as the heroes are about to slay their enemies--

GABRIELLE (fighting):
     You really do love Greek poetry, don't you...

A montage of images shows Xena, Gabrielle, and Domitius battling Roman soldiers in various parts of the forum. People in the crowd are fighting as well, some with their fists, others with weapons dropped by dead, wounded, disarmed, or fleeing Roman soldiers. Some Roman soldiers are switching sides and turning their swords against their own comrades. Those images are cross-cut with those of senators cowering nervously inside the curia, hearing the sounds of battle.



Xena and Gabrielle fighting the Romans in front of one of the temples in the Forum, at the foot of a tall marble statue of Vesta. A Roman soldier runs up to one of the officers.

     Sir, there are riots breaking out all over the city!

     What's going on?

     They're looting and torching shops!

The camera pans quickly to Gabrielle who gives Xena an alarmed look.

     Dammit--we'll have to take some of the troops there.


GABRIELLE (spins and kicks a soldier who's attacking her, then turns to Xena, worried):
     I can't believe Darion is there all alone...

XENA (glances at her sideways while blocking a sword thrust from one of her opponents):
     Do you want to go back and look after him?

Gabrielle looks troubled. Before she can answer, there is a flash of blue light behind the statue of Vesta. Ares walks around the statue and stands next to Xena, slouching casually against the statue's pedestal.

     Need help?

XENA (gives one of the attacking soldiers a kick in the midsection that sends him flying, his arms and legs flailing in the air):
     No th-- (she pauses and glances at Gabrielle, who is skillfully blocking an attacker's swords with her sais but looks somewhat distracted; then she looks at Ares, a faint smile touching the corners of her mouth) As a matter of fact, I do.

     Oh really. (a Roman soldier's sword goes through his chest; he winces slightly and yanks the blade out) Hey, watch the vest! (the camera pans quickly to the soldier, who falls down in a dead faint, and then back to Ares, who is smirking) So?

XENA (punches out one Roman while striking another with the flat of the sword and knocking him down; as she speaks, she seems to be slightly out of breath):
     Would you zap yourself over to the inn and watch the kid?

Close-up of Gabrielle's shocked face as she turns to Xena.


Another Roman runs up to attack Gabrielle; she kicks, aiming at his sword, but she is slightly distracted and misses her target. The Roman strikes out, the tip of his sword slashing the skin just above her armor, but in the next moment Xena knocks him down.

ARES (incredulous):
     Watch the what?

XENA (manages to stay unflappable while sparring with another Roman):
     The kid. Darion. Just make sure he doesn't get in any trouble.

     Let me get this straight. I baby-sit while you and Blondie kick some Roman ass.

XENA (smirks as her blow sends her opponent staggering back):
     Sounds good to me.

ARES (shakes his head):
     You really owe me for this one.

XENA (slyly):
     I'll check the going rate for babysitters.

The Roman charges her again. Leaning on her sword and using it for leverage, she lifts herself up, her legs and torso almost parallel to the ground, and kicks him hard in the chest, throwing him back. He lands on the ground and is knocked out.

ARES (appreciatively):
     Oooh. Nice move.

XENA (lands on her feet):
     Thanks. So, are you going or not?

ARES (grumbles):
     Yeah, yeah.

     Oh--Ares? Please don't talk to Darion about... (winces) ...things that aren't suitable for a child.

     I think that rules out pretty much everything I can talk about.

He smirks at Gabrielle and vanishes. Xena and Gabrielle look around at the Roman soldiers who are lying on the ground around them, groaning.

     I think we're all done here.

They race toward the curia, which can be seen in the distance, fierce fighting raging on its steps.


The top of the curia steps. Several Roman soldiers who are still trying to beat the crowd back from the doors throw down their weapons. Loud cheers go up. People start banging on the doors of the curia.

     -- Open up!
     -- The people have spoken!
     -- Break down the doors!

Two axe-wielding men in leather aprons, obviously carpenters, emerge from the crowds and start chopping down the doors. Suddenly the doors creak and start opening. The carpenters stop. The doors swing open and the crowd pours in.


Inside the curia, some time later. The floor of the Senate meeting hall is strewn with remnants of broken benches. Several dead bodies, of people from the crowd, soldiers, and two senators, can be seen lying on the floor. Xena, Gabrielle, Agrippina, and Domitius are wandering through the hall surveying the wreckage.

XENA (to Gabrielle, sadly):
     It didn't have to come to this.


She points to a body lying face down by the podium of the meeting hall. It's a dark-haired man in a dark shirt and a blood-stained white cloak. Xena walks up to the man and turns him over. It's Drusus. He's dead, his eyes wide open.

XENA (looks up at the others, uneasily):
     He was stabbed in the back...

AGRIPPINA (gently):
     Xena, you did your best to avoid bloodshed. It's not your fault that it wasn't enough.

Xena places her hand over Drusus' eyes, closing them. Then she rises, looking troubled.

The camera pans to several senators, including Rufus, who come in. Rufus is carrying the golden wreath.

RUFUS (to Domitius):
     You are the new emperor, Domitius. (somewhat uncomfortably) May you wear your title well.

DOMITIUS (nods in acknowledgment):
     Thank you, Senators. (glances at Agrippina) But I can only accept this honor on one condition: that my mother, the Empress Agrippina, will rule by my side.

The senators exchange somewhat startled looks.

     Many senators won't be happy about it--Agrippina was banished from Rome after a court found her guilty of attempted poisoning...

     And many others believe that her trial was a travesty. It's time to put the past to rest. (to Agrippina) Your wisdom and your nobility will be great assets for the Empire.

AGRIPPINA (smiles):
     I can only hope to justify the trust the people of Rome have placed in me.

     Come, let's make the announcement.

Rufus motions to an attendant who is carrying a purple toga edged with a gold stripe. The attendant hands the toga to Domitius, who puts it on over his leathers.

     I'm ready.


The forum in front of the curia. The crowd waits tensely. Many people are wounded. The sky is lit up with reddish reflections of distant fires.

The senators with Domitius and Agrippina emerge from the doors of the curia. They are followed by Xena and Gabrielle, who come down the steps and stand in the front row of the crowd.

     People of Rome! Here is your new emperor--Lucius Domitius Nero.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Rufus places the golden wreath on Nero's head.

DOMITIUS NERO (takes Agrippina's hand):
     And here is my co-regent, the Empress Agrippina.

The cheers grow even louder.


Xena and Gabrielle walk down a street in Rome.

GABRIELLE (looks at Xena and shakes her head):
     I can't believe you got Ares to baby-sit Darion.

XENA (chuckles):
     You can't believe I asked him, or you can't believe he agreed?

GABRIELLE (wrinkles her nose):
     Hmm...both, actually.

XENA (shrugs):
     Hey, you got Aphrodite to baby-sit him. Just be grateful she didn't give him a detailed description of those carvings in her temple.

GABRIELLE (looks away, embarrassed, then turns back to Xena with a sly smile):
     Did Athena say something once about Ares being whipped?

     He's not whipped. He just wants to stay on my good side.

GABRIELLE (teasing):
     You have a good side?


GABRIELLE (chuckles):
     He's whipped.


The room at the inn. Darion is sitting on the bed, watching Ares raptly. Ares stands in the middle of the room, holding his sword in front of him. Behind him, the door opens slowly.

     So, let's say the enemy is charging you from behind and you don't have room to turn around--you twirl the sword in your hand like this (twirls the sword) and then thrust backwards (he twirls it again and then rams it past his side, aiming behind him) and get them right in the--

The sound of someone clearing their throat is heard. Ares nearly drops the sword and turns around to find Xena leaning on the doorframe, a smirk on her face, her arms crossed. Gabrielle is standing next to her. Ares quickly slips the sword in his scabbard, trying to look as innocent as possible.

DARION (joyfully):
     Gabrielle! Xena!

He runs toward Gabrielle and hugs her tightly.


XENA (gives Ares a wry look):
     Suitable for a child, huh?

     It most certainly is. The kid should know something about the practical side of life.

Gabrielle looks up at him and shakes her head.

GABRIELLE (to Darion):
     Are you okay?

DARION (enthusiastically):
     Oh, yeah! We had a great time! Ares was telling me all about the war between the gods and the titans and then he showed me some toy soldiers who were actually moving and fighting each other and then--

     Shh, sweetie. You'll tell me about it later. (glares at Ares) I get the picture.

ARES (mockingly to Gabrielle):
     You're welcome. (to Xena) So, that quality time we were talking about--

XENA (chuckles):
     I'll get back to you on that. (glances at Gabrielle and Darion) Uh...thanks--I think.

Ares grins at her and vanishes.

GABRIELLE (sighs):
     I think we have to line up some new babysitters.


Day. A veranda in the imperial palace, luxuriously decorated with marble and gold statues drowning in greenery and flowers--roses, lilacs, and more exotic fare. Agrippina (in a gorgeous blue and gold dress), Nero (in his purple toga, with the gold laurel crown on his head), Xena and Gabrielle (in their leathers) and Darion are seated around a table laden with fruit and wine, Agrippina and Xena on one side of the table, Gabrielle and Nero on the other, with Darion next to Gabrielle. Darion is eating a peach.

GABRIELLE (smiling):
     I think you're going to be a great emperor after all.

     In my heart, Gabrielle, I will always be an artist.

The camera pans to Xena and Agrippina.

     I want you to know that you two are always welcome in Rome. We have issued an official pardon to your daughter--she can come here any time she wants.

XENA (nods):
     Thank you, Agrippina.

     No, thank you. This couldn't have happened without you. (pauses, seeing Xena's slightly troubled look) Believe me, you won't regret this.

XENA (quietly):
     I hope you're right.

The camera pans to Darion, now eating grapes.

DARION (to Agrippina):
     So, are you actually going to live in this place?

AGRIPPINA (smiles at him indulgently):
     Of course, little one. I've lived here before.

     Wow... Did you ever get lost?


Xena, Gabrielle and Darion (sitting in the saddle in front of Gabrielle) are riding down a wide road, with other riders, horse-carts, and pedestrians around. The setting sun is blazing ahead of them.

     So, Darion, what was the one thing you liked best about Rome?

DARION (scrunches up his face):
     Hmm... I think it was when Ares let me put on his gauntlets.

     Aren't they a little too big for you?

     Nah. (casually, as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world) He just went like this-- (waves his hand) and they fit me perfectly. Can I have gauntlets like that?

     I think you're a little too young for that, sweetie.

     All right. Then I want a pet rabbit.

GABRIELLE (chuckles and ruffles his hair):
     We'll see about that.

DARION (sighs and fidgets a little):
     I'm tired.

     Why don't you just lean back and get some sleep, okay?

She bends down and kisses his forehead.

DARION (yawns):

He leans back, settling against Gabrielle.


A little further down the road. Darion is sound asleep.

GABRIELLE (to Xena):
     So...did we do the right thing?

XENA (after a pause):
     I think so. I saw Rufus today, while you and Darion were at the theater. He told me that when Drusus' quarters at the palace were searched, they found more letters showing that he and Claudius were planning an invasion of Britannia.

     You think Agrippina and Nero will turn out to be better rulers than all the emperors who came before?

XENA (quietly):
     I hope so.

The camera pulls back to show the walls and gates of Rome behind them as we:



[Roman history was mangled during the production of this motion picture.]

Xena: Warrior Princess
Shipper Seasons
Season 8

Episode 3
Power Play

Story By: LadyKate and Sais 2 Cool
Written By: Aurora and LadyKate
Collage By: Aurora
Images Gathered By: Aurora


XenaLucy Lawless
GabrielleRenee O'Connor
Kevin Smith
DarionAlexander Gandar
AgrippinaAnjelica Huston
Domitius/NeroHans Matheson
RufusJames Trent
DrususSam Kass

Original Airdate

November 26, 2002

Roman history was mangled during the production of this motion picture.


All characters and storylines that have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess are a copyright and trademark of Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No infringement was intended during the writing of this script. All original characters and storylines are a copyright of the respective authors and of the Shipper Seasons. No script may be reproduced on a website elsewhere without the author's consent.

© Shipper Seasons





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