7.07 Dark Reign



The throne room in a temple. On the steps on the throne, Cassiopeia is in the arms of the god Set. He is tall, dark-haired and beardless, wearing a dark blue tunic with rich decorations of gold and precious stones, and gold bracelets on his wrists and upper arms. He is passionately kissing her.

Blue light flares up and Ares materializes in the middle of the temple. He looks around, somewhat bewildered, and then sees Set and Cassiopeia. He looks angry and troubled.

SET (sneering):
     Ares. How nice to see you.

     Wish I could say the same to you.

     So tell me, Ares. How does it feel to know that you're facing a power far greater than yours?

     Well, look at you. Didn't take you long to go all feisty again.

     I bet you're wondering why your little trip from ship to shore ended up going a little off-course, aren't you, Ares? Now that my Lord Set and I have combined our powers, it was a cinch. We wanted you here, and here you are. Impressed?

     Believe it or not, Ares, this is a friendly warning. I have no quarrel with the pitiful remnants of the Olympian pantheon. (Ares, his pride injured, bites his lip) And that means you. You'll be fine as long as you stay away from me and my Chosen. But if you and those mortals who arrived with you go up against us, you'll be destroyed. You can't win.

     I wouldn't be so sure about that.

He launches a fireball at Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia and Set join hands and send out a bolt of energy that deflects the fireball and knocks Ares flat on his back. Cassiopeia laughs gleefully.

SET (puts his arms around Cassiopeia, kissing her hair):
     Oh, my Chosen One...it is so wonderful to have you at my side again...how I've missed you!

CASSIOPEIA (laughs):
     Now, now, Set...do control yourself a little while longer while we have company...

     How can I? You are so lovely, like a perfect flower... (kisses her passionately)

ARES (gets up and shakes himself off):
     Oh, Set, Set. You'll never make it as a poet.

SET (sarcastically):
     Ares, I hope you were convinced by this little demonstration. I hate to put it in so vulgar a fashion, but--don't mess with us.

Ares stands silently, obviously thinking of something. Then, he approaches the throne.

     Look, Set. You two may have a good thing going but let me tell you something--that Ancktari woman, she really has her mind set on taking out your girlfriend.

CASSIOPEIA (laughing):
     Oh, and that's supposed to scare me?

     Who knows what powers she may have gotten from Isis when she was brought back to life. If I were you, I wouldn't get very comfortable while she's around.

SET (intrigued):
     What exactly are you saying?

     Here's the deal. You leave Xena and Gabrielle out of this...

     So it is true. Ares, the mighty God of War, has a soft spot for the Warrior Princess.

     Sure, and you have a soft spot for your little sorceress. Now, you leave Xena and Gabrielle out of this and I will give you the assassin, Ancktari.


The temple of Isis. Gabrielle is sitting on the floor looking at some scrolls; most of them tattered and charred around the edges, while Xena and Ancktari are talking.

     I have heard a great deal about your life, Xena--about who you were. In some ways, you and the vessel have much in common.

XENA (shocked):
     How so?

     You lost a brother in a warlord's raid; she lost her sister and her entire family when she was just twelve summers old. Left all alone, she had to fend for herself, and necessity forged her into a warrior.


A young Cassiopeia, about fifteen years old, is walking through a forest, a short sword strapped to her back.

ANCKTARI (voice over):
     Like you, she was seduced by power. Only in her case, it was the power of magic, which she accidentally discovered she had.

In the forest, Cassiopeia is being attacked by a group of bandits. She is fighting them but her situation looks hopeless. The sword is knocked out of her hand. Screaming, she holds out her hands to defend herself. Suddenly, a bolt of energy shoots out of her hand and strikes one of her attackers dead. The others stop in their tracks, exchange frightened looks, and run.

ANCKTARI (voice over):
     Then, she began to study magic to develop her potential... (in a dark room, surrounded by candles, Cassiopeia is looking at some parchments and muttering spells) And when she found out that her power had almost no limits, she became obsessed with it. Soon, she began to kill for the sheer pleasure of it.


XENA (pensively):
     And like me, she was given a second chance. Only she lost it again, through no fault of her own.

     Xena, you have fought to earn your redemption. The vessel did not. Her evil side was temporarily put to sleep by an act of magic, but she never strove for good. (Xena nods but she still looks somewhat troubled) Xena, for us to fulfill our mission, you cannot have any sympathy or pity for the vessel.

     What can we do to stop her?

     I pray that we are not too late as it is. After being dormant for six years, the vessel's powers are stronger than ever. And once she is joined to the God of Evil, it may be that nothing can stop them.

     A little pessimistic, aren't you?

     Do not forget, Xena, no matter what happens, I die at the end of this mission. If we win and kill the vessel, I die with her. If we lose, we all die. I am not for this world and I know it. I am ready for death; I hope you are too.

GABRIELLE (lifts her head):
     Ancktari, I bet you always spread cheer wherever you go.

     I think it is best to think that we are going to die. That way, when we live, we are pleasantly surprised.

XENA (brusquely):
     Enough with this talk of dying. Every evil force can be stopped, Ancktari.

     The prophecy that predicted the coming of the vessel said that she and her god can only be matched by one force. If that force fails, the world will be consumed by a dark reign, the reign of the vessel and her god... But most of our priestesses believe that such a force does not even exist.

     Well, what kind of a force is it?

     A god and a mortal whose souls are joined in a deep bond--not as a master and his favorite but as equals.

GABRIELLE (gasps):
     Xena, it's about you!

     What are you talking about?

     Don't you get it? You and Ares!

XENA (looks flustered):
     Gabrielle...either you've been eating henbane, or you're still a little dizzy from our trip through the ether.

GABRIELLE (stares at the floor):
     Look, Xena, I may not like this thing between you and Ares, but don't tell me that there isn't a deep bond between you.

XENA (irritably):
     Meaning that I can never shake him out of my hair?

Gabrielle figures out the prophecy

     Come on, Xena, this isn't the time to play games. You know what I'm talking about. Have you ever stopped to think that you've both had plenty of chances to kill each other? And plenty of reasons, too? And yet you're both still around.

XENA (snorts):
     Talk about an original way of expressing affection. (then, her face goes serious) Still, if you're right, that may be our only chance. (looks at Ancktari) Why is it no one can ever come up with a prophecy that's easy to figure out? You know, something like "If Xena and Ares fight Set and Cassiopeia together, then peace and contentment will reign for the next thousand years and happy rabbits will hop around Alexandria's main square."

Ancktari glares at her.

     I don't think she has much of a sense of humor.

ANCKTARI (curtly):
     Enough foolishness. Now we have to find the Olympian and tell him about the prophecy.

XENA (sarcastic):
     Where do you suggest we start looking?

ANCKTARI (rises):
     I have no time to waste, Warrior Princess. Whether or not you and this god of yours are the key to defeating the vessel and her god, I must make my own plans to fulfill my mission. (heads for the door)

     Where are you going?

     To round up some of the best temple warriors to assist me and to find out where the vessel and her god are now.

She leaves.

XENA (shakes her head):
     So now I have to tell Ares that according to some prophecy, he and I have a special bond. (rolls her eyes) I'll never hear the end of this.

With a flash of blue light, Ares materializes in the middle of the temple.

     Speak of the devil.

     Where were you?

     Oh, busy being zapped over to a temple of Osiris where Set and your little friend are holed up right now. (drops the flippant act and becomes very serious) Xena, you have no idea what power these two have when they're joined together.

     So what do you propose to do?

     Look, Xena, I won't beat around the bush. I cut a deal.

XENA (scornfully, with a look of bitter disappointment):
     A deal? Let me guess. If he spares you, you'll let us all die.

Ares speaking to Xena

ARES (approaches her and stares deeply into her eyes):
     No, Xena. If they leave you and Gabrielle out of it, I'll give them Ancktari.

XENA (after a long pause during which her face reflects a struggle of conflicting emotions--anger at Ares' willingness to betray Ancktari, and acknowledgment of how much he cares about her):
     I think I have a better plan.